Chapter Thirteen

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The Beginning of Everything


December 1, 2011. Katherine joined Derek once more in the opening of the newest branch of Zuñiga Resort and Casino. It was also the start of the Masters’ Poker Tournament. Katherine stayed there until the tournament ended. She opted to stay at the yacht most of the time if she wasn’t needed to attend to any activities at the hotel or at the casino. 

December 4, 2011. Sunday. At one in the morning, they sailed back to Maunni City with Manong, Raoul, Alex and her father. 

Her father didn’t join the tournament but he had played on friendlies with several masters in poker all over the world and he won. Manong didn’t join the tournament and just played on friedlies as well.  The two masters were introduced to everyone as the master who made him a gambler and the master who made him a lover. 

As soon as they reached the mansion at eight in the morning, Katherine didn’t feel very well. She threw up everything she ate and she felt very dizzy. Everyone suspected that she might be pregnant but Derek knew best. 

He asked her, “Do you want me to bring you to the hospital, love?” 

“I think sailing wasn’t good for me,” she said. “I took meds before we depart so I won’t feel seasick.” 

He thoughtfully asked, “Why didn’t you tell me?” 

She replied, “I also didn’t know. It was the first long sailing trip I had. I took the meds just in case. I will just rest for now. If I didn’t get any better then bring me to the hospital.” 

She slept the entire morning. At lunch time, she didn’t feel any better, so Derek brought her to the hospital. It was a case of over fatigue. She was also slightly anemic and dehydrated. She didn’t want to stay in the hospital so he just asked for a nurse to come with them and put on the needle for her IV fluid.   

Apparently, she had been working so hard with all her appointments and extra lessons just to surprise him for his birthday. Every detail of their wedding was already done. The construction of her school was almost finished as well. She had been working late every night to finish the final manuscript of her theses. She had been taking her guitar and drum lessons religiously. She had accompanied him in all his trips abroad. She had attended to all of his charity works while juggling all of her additional classes in dancing, massage therapy and cooking. 

He had stayed at home all throughout the day. He told her a little upset, “I already ordered Gelli to cancel all your appointments this coming week. I really appreciate that you had taken additional classes just to surprise me on my birthday, Katherine but not at the expense of your health. I had been so caught up with work I wasn’t able to check on you that much.” 

She tried to lessen his displeasure. “I’m already done with all the lessons, Derek. Please don’t be upset. I got nothing else much to do this December except from some charity events and meetings with my theses adviser.” 

“You also need to eat more and sleep more, Katherine,” he insisted on a little authoritative tone. She knew he cared so much. 

“I will, Derek. So please stop fretting and just lay here beside me. I need a hug,” she had responded calmly. 

Derek reclined beside her on his side of their bed and cuddled with her. He kissed her forehead, “I hate seeing you sick.” 

She kissed his lips to silence him. “I love you.” 

A General's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora