New killer

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Your p.o.v
Finally we got to the office there I went to knock on his door when it opened before I got to touch it so I turn around to look at ben and he wasn't there. "Why is everyone disappearing all the time!!" I growl quietly. I walk in to see what slendy wants to ask me.
Ben's P.O.V
"Where is (y/n) she was just right beside me what happened? I hope she made it to slendys okay." I say aloud "WHY IS IT THAT SHE IS THE ONLY THING YOU CARE ABOUT NOW, WE USED TO BE BEST FRIENDS BUT EVER SINCE THAT GIRL CAME WE ARE ENEMIES!!" Jeff scream "Dude.. Chill she's only been here a while and I've known her sence we were kids so of course I'm going to want to see her but that doesn't mean we are going to stop being friends." Jeff just stands there in shock and whispers a whatever and walks away.
Your p.o.v
I walk in to slendy's office to see him reading a book at his desk. I sit down on a chair next to his desk and wait for him to notice me. He looks up after a few minutes and says "Hello child I want you to join me and my proxies in the mansion so I scheduled a appointment with Dr.Smiles and E.J to turn you into a creepypasta,you get to decide what you want to look like so you have until tomorrow run along child I will see you in the morning."
Well that was fast time I'm exuseted I just want to sleep for maybe a year or two (that's a coma... "Sounds festive!")
* Time skip because of my laziness *
I am waiting with Ben for Dr.Smiles and E.J to get the operation room ready for my operation to become a member of the Creepypasta Mansion. Finally they are done and Ben looks woried but I hug him and give him a fake smile because I am pretty scared myself. Oh well I am doing this for my best friend I will get through the pain. "So what do you want to look like." E.J asked "do what ever I don't care" I replied bored. "Kay" sang Dr.Smiles
Time skip
I wake up singing one of my favorite songs.(at top had to XD) I look in the mirror to see what I look like can't wait to see!! I walk into my room and look in my mirror I look scary and cute at the same time.(the picture at the top of the page is you in creepypasta form) I walk over to my bed and see my pitch black knife I barely tap the top of the knife it made me bleed instantly. Yay I finally got my wepon now I can go on missons and hang with eveyone more even Jeff. Suddenly I get a text message from ben that says:
Ben: Hey dinner is starting soon and it was Toby's night to pick so I hope you like waffles and you better get down here before they are all gone!

(Y/n): OMG I LOVE WAFFLES! Tell Toby he better wait for me or I will burn all of his waffles!

I run down stairs to the kitchen and see Toby slowly hiding the waffles behind his back so I can't get to them. "Toby... Back away from the waffles and no one has to get hurt... "
Toby with tears in his eyes says " You promise you won't hurt my waffles??" "I promise" We both burst out laughing and split the waffles evenly.  After dinner I go up stairs and sleep like an angel.

(soooo I came back to see the comments on my story and yes it really did happen fast sorry i wrote this forever ago and i was not good at creating suspense lol so I edited it and boom better!)

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