l Love You

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Hi guys I'm back!!!!! And ready to write!!🤓🤓🤓 up top is my new favorite song idk why but it is😋😋  

(Your p.o.v)
Slendy teleported to the room while i was crying and it made it look like Ben made me cry so he started yelling at him and every one that came with us to the beach house came up stairs ready to kill Ben for hurting me but I wasn't crying because I was hurt or because I almost hurt my self i was crying because because I finally realised I still love Ben I never really cryed after I found out that he was cheating on me. "Everything is going to be alright (y/n) we won't let him hurt you!!." Trick or Treat says. I stood up and told her that I was fine and I walked straight up to Ben.
(Y/n) I..I am so sorry I didn't mean to i just saw you with the razor and I acted out I am so sorr... STOP APOLOGIZING ALREADY!!! Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Ben and I. I went up to him and he was looking at his feet not looking at me so I kicked him in his shin to get his attention he looked up at me and said OW!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!! Then I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him my final words to him before we left to swim was go.to.sleep.Ben..................

(JK) I said I love you so don't brake my heart again kay?

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