night out

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Hey guys I am going to add my friends creepypasta character Trick or Treat so shw will be your new best friend in my story and Masky's girl friend bye-bye :-)

Your p.o.v
I am in my room cuddling with Smile Dog on the bed I haven't come out or let anyone in (except for Smile) my room since Slendy got mad at Ben and let everyone in the mansion bet him up,but Slendy felt bad afterwards and he called Dr.Smiles to check on him and heal him so I don't come out until dinner when Splendy makes me. But , today is different Masky, Hoodie, and Toby come into my room actually barged into my room and poke me repeatedly until I wake up and I  finally sit up and growl quietly "WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!!!!!" Toby answers my question and says "We are going to have a night of fun at a beach house that trenderman owns it is going to be so much fun!!!!" I don't want to go leave me here alone. NEVER!!!!! Replies Trick or Treat my closest friend here who just poked her head in "You are going against your will even if you don't want to come I.. Actually we will drag you there if we have to!!" Fine I give up just get out of my room so I can get at least changed and showerd. "Nope I will pick out your outfit because you will just pick out something black and gloomy and scare everyone away but you can take a shower while I choose your clothes!!!"
"That's kind of the point of being depressed dark clothes no one talking to you it's like magic! "*hint the sarcasm*
Nooooope you have no choice but to be happy and trick throws glitter into the air and runs no sprints to the closet and starts surching for clothes with color

Ben's P.O.V
Can I please goooo too Slendy I want to go to the beach with everyone else!!"No you will not go because (y/n) will be there and I don't want you around her at all after what you did to her so I will not allow you to go!" But Slendy I will stay away from (y/n) I promise pleeeaaassee let me go!!! Fine child you can go just stay away from her and leave me alone about it!!!

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