VENTING!!!! you have been warned

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Hi guys I really just need to vent and this how i will do it!! So I don't know if my friends trust me or don't want to hurt my feelings because I asked one of my friends what they were about to say and they told me they couldn't "say" and they turn around and tell my best friends so I asked agin and my other best friend practicality told me to f#ck off and leave my other friend about it and after words we are all acting like BEST FRIENDS and LIKE NOTHING happened!!!! Like I said already I don't think they trust me I already heard one of my friends say that if someone tells me something it gets spread around the whole school. But I only stick to my group I don't even remember most of the kids names that I talk to for a little!!I am latterly angrily listening to music quietly. Thanks for actually reading this that means a lot I just really needed to vent and none of my friends are available.( aperenly). Anyways ❤❤❤❤ I love you guys thanks for reading this book and my vent!!! It means sooooo much to me you have noooo idea!! I will be updating my book on the weekend along with my other books.

UNICERNS OUT!!!!!🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄 

After writing this is kind of feel like I am overreacting. I don't know uhhh o well I just have to deal with it now please leave a comment on your opinion if you think i am over reacting pleeeaaassee!+!😢😢

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