Episode 1: Start Your Engines, Part 1

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Power Rangers GPX, episode 1: Start Your Engines, Part 1

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you got, :-:-:-:
Pow-wer Rang-gers G-P-X, let's go!

Start your engines, flythe green flag high
We're taking the lead, we're here to save the day
Stare our enemies down, our victory is nigh
There's a battle to fight, EVIL OUT OF THE WAY!

Stand up, take your chance, we're here and we'll unite
We're ready, and we're gonna save the town
They can't beat us, we're united in our fight
We're invincible, and they'll never take us down!

We're the best damn chance you've got,
Power Rangers G-P-X, let's GO!
We'll win the race, take your best shot,
Power Rangers G-P-X, let's GO!

We're gonna save the day,
We're gonna save the day,
We're gonna save the day!

:-:-:-: POWER RANGERS GPX, GO! :-:-:-:

A lone sergeant walked through the halls of the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. He carried with him a briefcase, and that was it. He was trying to find where his superior was. There was urgency about the place as the people, mostly military, scurried through the halls. Something had gone down recently. The sergeant, Sgt. Steven J. Grant, found the room where the man he was looking for was. He was in a meeting with several top officers of the United States Army. "Col. Greene, sir," said the Sergeant, saluting his superior.

"What is it?" The colonel asked. He was an African-American man in his 40s. His face was slender and his eyes showed his worry about the situation at hand. His suit was decorated with lapels, all of them military awards. He did not have his hat on, as he was in a meeting with other top officers.

"Sir," said the Sergeant. His tone was desperate, as if he was worried about the situation. "The invasion. It's begun."

Colonel Alan Greene, a veteran of 17 years in the United States Army, sighed. He looked at the other officers in the room, all of them being of higher rank than him. One of them, a General, nodded his head. "Begin the Operations," said Col. Greene. "I want the operatives in Tokyo in one month at least. I'll be going to Tokyo myself to oversee operations."

"Yes sir!" The sergeant replied. "By the way, have you decided yet?"

"Of course," said Col. Greene. "I decided some time ago. The operatives will be sent their messages and they should arrive there in four-to-six weeks."

"Yes, sir!"

"All right then," said Col. Greene. "I assume there won't be any problems for the operatives to get to Tokyo?

"No sir there won't be any problems."

"Good," said Col. Greene. "You're dismissed, Sergeant."

"Yes sir," said the sergeant. He left the briefcase on the table for the Colonel. The Colonel opened the briefcase and looked over its contents, several files of information regarding the 'operatives'.

"This 'Project' of yours better be successful," said one General.

"It will," said Col. Greene. "The operatives are among the best that we trained, so we know what they're capable of."

"I hope you're right," said the General. "I just hope the people who submitted it weren't crackpots."

"They weren't sir," said Col. Greene. "I assure you, the Project will be a success."

:-:-:-: PRGPX :-:-:-:

Friday, May 21st, 2010, Narita International Airport, Narita, Chiba, Japan

Power Rangers GPX, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now