Girls' Day Out

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Power Rangers GPX, episode 11: Girls' Day Out

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Power Rangers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

The Rangers were enjoying a day off. It was a Saturday, so there really wasn't much to do at the moment. But that didn't stop Venezuelan Yellow Ranger Maria Aparicio. She had her own plans today, and it involved a day on the town. Oh, dear. She had been meaning to see the sights in Tokyo since she got there, but she never really had the chance to do it so far. What with the days in training at the UN base, the internship and fights against the Zordonians. So today would be a good day to go out. But she didn't want to do it alone. A certain rich girl came to mind. "Hitomi!" She called out to said rich girl. "Where are you?"

"I'm right here," Hitomi said as she came out her room in the girls' townhouse. "What is it?"

"Well chica," she said. For those who don't know, chica, besides being the Spanish word for 'girl' is Maria's little pet name for Hitomi. "I was thinking you and I have a day out. A girl-date, if you will."

"A girl-date?" Hitomi asked with a confused look on her face. "Are you a lesbian?"

Maria sighed and rolled her eyes in response. "No, that's not what I meant," she said. "I meant we just have a day on the town, like friends, a girls' day out. I have no romantic interest in you, just friendship." Hitomi put her hand to her chin to think about it. But Maria had another little incentive. "We can go shopping in Ginza."

That got Hitomi's attention. "I like that!" She said. "We can go to my family's department store. I have a discount there for being the daughter of the CEO."

"¡Perfecto!" Maria said. "Why don't you get ready? I'll meet you in outside in 30 minutes. ¿Bueno?"

"Okay!" Hitomi replied. She ducked back into her bedroom to get ready while Maria went over to the guys' townhouse to wait for Hitomi.

Outside, it was a beauitful summer day. The temperature was right, there was not a cloud in the sky, and the sun shone brightly. Just like those days in Caracas—except it was usually in the 90s in June in Caracas. She was wearing a simple combination, a tank top with straps and shorts. She wondered what it was like in Chicago or Dublin this time of year, as well. Well, she would get that answer, when she saw Sean sitting at the kitchen table in the guys' townhouse. The brown-haired American noticed her and gave her a quick nod. "Hey Maria," he said.

"Hola Sean," she replied. She walked in to see Sean reading a newspaper and having a drink. Nothing alcoholic, though. If she wanted to, she could ask the Red Ranger to come with her—NOT! The Red Ranger himself wore a red t-shirt with a Native American head on it and the number '88' on the back.

"So who are you waiting for?" Sean asked.

"Hitomi," she replied. "So where are Kevin and Daisuke?"

"Kevin's visiting a friend in the Minato ward and rich boy's at a Sumostable," said Sean. "I got no plans today."

"Well then, would you like to go out with Hitomi and I?" Maria asked. Sean just laughed.

"Nah, I'm not interested," he said. "Sounds like a girl thing."

"Oh well," said Maria. "You'll miss out on all the fun."

"I don't care," he replied.

"Suit yourself," she replied. "Hitomi and I are going to Ginza." Sean, knowing exactly what Ginza is, spat out his drink in sudden surprise. Maria could not help but laugh slightly at this, but she stopped before he recovered.

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