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Power Rangers GPX, episode 16: Broken


It was miraculous how they survived. When they were taken to the hospital, Godai-san and Hikari had expected them to either be close to death or suffering from severe injuries. Instead, they had gotten by with mere bruises. Sure, they had been pounded severely, but their injuries were minor. A series of tests, X-rays, CT Scans and what have you had determined they had not suffered any broken bones, concussions, or serious organ damage. The only major injury was a broken rib suffered by Sean and Kevin; each. A day of bed rest in the hospital later and they were out of the hospital.

But that was only physically. In reality, Sean, Kevin and Maria had their spirits broken by Phaedos's beating. And although they had been released from the hospital earlier, they were in a terribly rotten mood. Kevin had his head on the table and Maria was leaning back against the wall. Sean, however, was the worst. He was stared up at the ceiling and lying on the tatami mats.

Their bodies were covered in bandages, and they even had ice on them. Underneath the bandages were goodness-knows-how-many bruises, a pair of broken ribs, possibly other broken bones and injuries and three broken prides. They were also filled with painkillers, mainly vicodin and ibuprofen. Sean only broke his semi-catatonic state to vehemently refuse any morphine, saying that he had of soldiers getting addicted to heroin after getting shot up with morphine. It took some time, but eventually, they were given vicodyn and Advil instead.

Hikari walked into the room to see the three sitting/lying there practically feeling sorry for themselves. The nurse looked at all of them and shook her head. They were pathetic. Well, not pathetic enough to soil themselves, anyway, but more of a mental pathetic. "Come on," she said. "You can't mope around all day. You survived whatever happened to you that should make you happy." There was no response from the trio. She shook her head and walked out of the room. "Fine, then."

"It's not our fault," Kevin said in his Irish accent. "We had our arses kicked."

"Stupid alien," said Sean. "I wonder what will happen when the Zordonians take over."

"They'll probably let us off easily," said Maria. "Or they'll let us leave the planet."

"They'll probably do that," said Sean. "I'd rather have that happen."

"Or keep us as slaves," said Maria.

"That's even worse," Kevin replied.

"Then again they might kill us," Maria said flatly. It was as if she just didn't care anymore.

"That'll probably happen," Sean replied.

"Have you had any luck with them?" Godai-san asked when she got into the kitchen. Her voice was filled with frustration at the three, especially since they wouldn't say anything about what happened to them. To be fair, telling her they're Power Rangers who are spiritually broken after a terrible beating by an alien general is not exactly a good story; they don't really want to expose their secrets.

"Maybe they're traumatized," said Godai-san. "I mean, they were badly injured. Whatever happened to them must have affected them severely."

"I guess I should consider that," Hikari said. "But what happened to them?"

"Maybe they were in an accident of some kind?" Godai-san asked.

"Then how did they drive here?" Hikari countered. "Kevin looked as though he could barely stay alive when they got here."

"He's a tough customer," said Godai-san. It didn't work for Hikari, though.

"You saw them," she replied. "You don't get those kinds of injuries in any kind of accident I could think of."

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