Sound Brawl

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Power Rangers GPX, episode 10: Sound Brawl

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Pow-wer Rang-gers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

None of them knew that Sean liked The Offspring. But there he was, singing "Why Don't You Get a Job" and dancing around like Mick Jagger at the company karaoke party. It just took one Asahi beer for him to loosen up and step up to the mic. Of course, he was off-key, but that didn't take away from the fact that he was having a good time.

Of course the middle finger directed at Daisuke (when he wasn't looking) when singing the title gave away the reason for this event. Sure, Sean may be off-key, but the message was not lost on Kevin and Maria (even if the song is about gold diggers of both sexes).

But then again, given the explicit and blatant nepotism mentioned in the previous episode...

"I suspect he is singing about me," Daisuke said while taking a sip of sake.

"Nepo-tiz, Nepo-tizm, Nepo-tiii-iiism! Naaa, na that's how you got your job!" Sean sang.

"That suspicion has been confirmed," said Daisuke. He could not fire him, though. The Ranger contract prevents that from happening outside of work. And because this is outside of work, as evidenced by the White Sox jersey Sean was wearing.

"I think it's funny," said Hitomi.

"Nepo-tiz, Nepo-tizm, Nepo-tiii-iiism! Naaa, na that's how you got your job!"

"I think I like this song," said Kevin. Maria, clad in a Brazil soccer jersey, chuckled and bobbed her head to the Caribbean beat.

"I like how he can get away with it," said Maria.

"Gooot it from your faaamily, I'll aaalllways say! Naaa, na, that's how you got your job!" Sean finished up. "Thank you, thankyaverymuch!" he said when he finished the song and jumped off the stage.

"I can write songs, do you want a full version of that?" asked Kevin.

"Gladly!" said Sean.

A co-worker walked up to Sean and patted him on the shoulder and whispered, "Arigatou," before walking off. Sean shrugged it off. But Kevin had an idea.

"At least we can get away with biting the hand tonight," he said. He checked his iPhone and said, "Let's get out of here, I don't want to sing again."

"And I do!" Maria shouted, pushing him out of the way. She ran up to the karaoke machine and began looking for a song. "No, no, no, NO, no—ah! Shakira! Me gusta!"

"Oh, I HATE Shakira!" Sean muttered. "Why the hell did they have to use her song for the World Cup, anyway?"

"Shut up," said Kevin.

"O'Donneru-san!" a co-worker said in heavily-accented, but understandable and grammatically-correct English, "Can you sing?"

"No, but I play the flute," Kevin replied. "Can you?"

"No," he replied, "That is why I am not up there."

"I don't blame you," Kevin replied.

Maria though, she looked like she was having a good time. Her singing ability might simply be considered "average", if anything. Still, Sean couldn't look away from her. Until she winked at him, that is. Then he looked away at a Yakult Swallows game that was on one of the TVs. Kevin barely noticed what had happened. He was too busy talking with some co-workers. "Thanks a lot," Sean muttered while watching the game.

When Maria was done, she jumped off the stage. Hitomi ran up to her and raised her hand. Maria high-fived the rich girl enthusiastically. "I still got it!" she said, licking her finger and touching her hip while making a sizzling sound.

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