Boogie-Woogie Internship Blues

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:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Pow-wer Rang-gers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

The Miyazawa Internship wasn't something that was made up to get the Rangers to Tokyo. In order to have a believable cover, they had to actually work the internship. Well, not Daisuke and Hitomi. Even though Hitomi had been taken out of school early, she was one of the Internship supervisors. She didn't need to have a degree. It was virtually guaranteed that she was going to have a big role with the company in the future.

Nepotism FTW!

Of course, that left the other three Rangers doing other work... separately. Kevin was in the Postgraduate internship, which meant he was separated from Sean and Maria.

They sat on opposite sides of their workstation at a computer typing and working away. Both were dressed in business clothes, which looking at them, it was obvious neither was particularly crazy about wearing. Even if they both looked good. Sean was wearing a white, buttoned shirt, dress pants and a Wisconsin Badgers tie. She was wearing a yellow, long-sleeved blouse with the sleeves rolled up to her elbow with a blue scarf and a knee-length, hip-hugging burgundy skirt. Yes, Sean could not keep his eyes off her.

Sean looked up from his PC and glanced over at Maria. She was still focused on her work and smacking her lips as if to make sure her lipstick was still applied. He rolled his eyes and minimized The Hockey News window he was reading.

He looked back at her again. She was undoubtedly hot. But really, did he even stand a chance with her? He chalked her up with those girls who obviously were not into him. And to think, hockey players are pretty popular with girls. Must only be the case for NCAA and NHL players. ACHA? Come on, he was being mocked by guys at Loyola for crying out loud!

He glanced over at her again and—wait, was she smiling at him!? He could see what she was doing. She was giving him an almost shit-eating smirk. Wait, what!?

He felt his face flush and he turned away. A quick glance saw her licking her finger and then making sizzling sounds. Is she playing with him!?

"Hello, O'Callahan?" he stiffened in his seat, and so did Maria. Daisuke, dressed in what could be described as a "Mad Men" suit, walked up to the both of them like the boss in "Office Space". "What is happening? I am going to need that you give me an update on how that press release is progressing."

"It's going great!" Sean replied. Waste of a journalism minor!

"Perfect," said Daisuke, "If you could make it ten more pages, and get that done by two, that would be greeeeeeaaaat."

Sean seethed in silence. Sean may be the Red Ranger, but Daisuke was the boss. And he was going to milk it for all it was worth. Why did he have to choose Office Space for movie night? Maria snickered, but Daisuke caught wind of this. "Something funny, Aparicio?"

"No, sir," she replied just as nervously as he was.

"Well then, if you two are done flirting, I would appreciate it if you both get back to work, mmmkay?" Daisuke turned, adjusted his jacket and left.

Maria looked over at Sean as he mouthed the words, I hate his guts. She shook her head and nodded while rolling her eyes.

Good thing this was a paid internship with free housing and kinda-free food.

Lunch time came and both immediately stood up from their workspace and made a break for the break room (no pun intended). Walking among the salarymen at the International headquarters of the Miyazawa Group, it was painfully obvious that they were the proverbial fish out of water. They were the only non-Japanese workers in the entire floor. There were other international workers, just not on this one.

Power Rangers GPX, Part 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن