Darkest Hour

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Power Rangers GPX, Episode 15: Darkest Hour


When they returned, Godai-san eagerly awaited Hitomi-chan getting out of the Hummer they were driving. The red-colored SUV pulled into the parking lot of the inn that Godai-san owned. At first, he sent them his trademark smile, but that quickly changed when the doors opened. Instead of Hitomi running out to greet him, no one rushed out. Instead, Kev O'Donnell in stepped out of the drivers' side door. He went to the back as he helped Maria Aparicio assist Sean O'Callahan getting out of the backseat. What he saw shocked him. The American was holding an ice pack to his left cheek, which looked kind of swollen from the distance he could see. He was also wincing in pain. He couldn't see his face from the distance he was at, but he could clearly tell the American was in pain.

Sean was cursing someone, but who it was he could not tell; he couldn't hear him, anyway. But since Hitomi and Daisuke were not in the car, he could tell something was wrong. Immediately he dropped the broom he was using and ran over to Sean. "What happened to him?" He asked, his voice filled with concern.

"THAT RICH BASTARD FUCKING PUNCHED ME!" Sean shouted, his voice filled with anger and hatred.

"Who punched you?" Godai-san asked, wondering if he was talking about Daisuke.

"RICH BOY MIYAZAWA, THAT'S WHO!" Sean shouted back. Godai-san reacted with a (justifiably) shocked face. He had no idea Daisuke could do something like that.

"Daisuke did this?" Godai-san asked. Kevin and Maria nodded in response. "How did this happen?"

"It's a long story," said Kevin. "But do you have any ice?"

"Yes, we do," Godai-san replied. "I'll get Hikari, she'll get you some ice." Godai-san quickly ran into the inn calling for his wife. Sean shrugged off Maria's arm as the three of them followed him in.

Once they got in, Godai-san's wife Hikari rushed into the foyer. She was a beautiful woman, especially for her age. She took one look at Sean and she rushed back into the kitchen. "She must know her injuries," said Kevin. A few minutes later, Hikari came into the foyer, holding an ice pack, which she gave to Sean.

"Thank you," he said calmly, taking the first ice pack off. Instantly, Godai-san and Hikari got a look at Sean's cheek, noticing that it didn't look good. The cheek was swollen, but thanks to the ice Sean had put on it earlier, it wasn't as bad as they had feared.

"Just keep that ice on there," said Hikari. "The swelling should go down. By the way, who did this to you?"

"I forgot to tell you," Godai-san said. "He said that Daisuke punched him." Hikari gasped and put her hands to her mouth in shock as Sean, Kevin and Maria walked past and into the parlor.

"Daisuke did this?" Hikari said. "But why?"

"I don't know," Godai-san replied. "I'll ask them." He walked into the parlor where the three were seated at the table and seemed to be talking about something. He couldn't exactly tell what they were talking about, but he heard the word 'Daisuke' and he suspected they were talking about him. It was then that they noticed him and stopped talking, save for some whispering. "May I ask what happened?" He asked.

"Well," said Sean, his voice trailing off slightly. "Rich Boy and I got into an argument and he punched me and convinced Hitomi to walk off with him." Godai-san could tell Sean wasn't telling the whole truth, but he let it go anyway.

"Really?" Godai-san asked. "What kind of argument?"

"You don't want to know," Kevin replied.

"So where did they go?" Godai-san asked. His voice had a tone of worry. He didn't want Hitomi to get hurt in any way.

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