A Hot Time in the Old Town

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Power Rangers GPX episode 12: A Hot Time in the Old Town

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Power Rangers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

Evenings in Tokyo are a unique experience. The vast metropolis has many bars, clubs, restaurants and other attractions. Karaoke boxes are popular among young and old, and are popular hang-out spots. Host clubs and bars are also popular, as well as the world's oldest profession. But otherwise, most Tokyo nightlife is family-friendly, especially baseball teams like the Youmiuri Giants and the Yakult Swallows.

But we're not talking about Tokyo nightlife. Rainbow Bridge, which connects the Tokyo mainland with the Odaiba ward was busy as usual this evening. A salaryman, who was more concerned about getting home to his family than drinking with his buddies, drove on the bridge. The sun was partially in his eyes, and he squinted to try and keep it out of his eyes. But soon, he was forced to stop when he noticed something flying past him.

"YAAAAAAHHHHH!" CRASH! Suddenly, a person wearing blue-colored spandex with a white torso giving it a vest-like appearance crashed into a van driving on the left side of the street (or right, depending on which side of the street one is on), smashing a large dent into it. "Fuck!" He said in English with an Irish accent.

"Kevin, you okay?" A person wearing red spandex and the same white torso as the other person called out.

"I'm fine," Kevin O'Donnell replied, holding the side of his helmet with his white glove.

"Come on, get up!" Red Ranger Sean O'Callahan called. His chest symbol was a gold-colored number 1. Also there was Green Ranger Daisuke Miyazawa (#3), Yellow Ranger Maria Aparicio (#4), and Pink Ranger Hitomi Miyazawa (#5). All five were engaged with a large, jester-themed anthropomorphic rabbit monster called Jesthare. Their fight had caused an unintentional traffic jam just now and sent many people running from their cars. The Rangers probably preferred to fight on the lower level.

"HEE HEE HEE HEE!" The jester rabbit laughed in a high-pitched voice. "Stupid Rangers, you can't beat me!"

"GRAH!" Maria growled. "I am really getting tired of this thing!"

"You and me both!" Daisuke said. Maria and Daisuke both fired with their Ocatane blasters at Jesthare. But when the blasts struck the rabbit, it disappeared in a puff of smoke. "What!" Maria said. "Where'd it go?"

"I'll try to find him on the scanner," Sean said. Pressing onto his helmet, he activated his visor scanner to find Jesthare. He looked around, trying to find the rabbit, but he couldn't. But eventually, he did. "Maria! Rich Boy! Behind you!"

Maria and Daisuke turned around and pointed their blasters at Jesthare and fired. Sean's pinpointing turned out to be correct, as Jesthare phased back into visibility and was blasted ten feet backwards. "Oh, my!" It said. "That hurt!" Then Sean came up to him and grabbed him by the collar, pulling him up and punching Jesthare in the snout. "Ouch!" It said.

"Shut up!" Sean said, pulling his Octane blaster out and firing. But the monster hopped around, dodging Sean's blasts. "Dammit! Rich boy, get 'im!"

"Got it!" Daisuke replied to Sean's order. Daisuke pressed his flat-topped pentagon shaped belt buckle and his Mountain Staff, a naginata-like weapon materialized in front of him. He grabbed it and took a swing at Jesthare, knocking him down. With the rabbit down, Daisuke pointed the Mountain Staff in Jesthare's face, keeping him on the ground. But Jesthare had something up his sleeve.

"Why are you taking orders from him?" He asked in his deceptively goofy voice. "I thought you hated him!"

"Scorpio tried to use that on me yesterday," Daisuke replied. "Don't think I'll fall for it."

Power Rangers GPX, Part 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora