Don't Go In the Woods

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Power Rangers GPX Episode 14: Don't Go In the Woods

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Power Rangers GPX, let's GO! :-:-:-:

The shrine parking lot was quiet. It was a slow day for any worshippers—of course, anyone who wanted to could come to the local shrine, anyhow. But, today, it was quiet. The only sounds in the area were the sounds of local wildlife. The sound of Swallows could be heard in the forest nearby, despite the name of the forest: Aokigahara. This forest is notorious in Japan for its location for many suicides, leading some people to believe it's haunted. Whether this is true or not is anybody's guess.

For the local mikos, there were reports of strange sights in the forest. Some people had said they'd seen ghouls in the woods, which made the mikos concerned. Some had seen oni in there, which was even more concerning. The priest had told them to stay away from the forest for now until they performed their exorcisms. The miko named Sakura was concerned about the delay in the exorcism. "Are you sure that delaying the exorcism is a good idea?" She asked him nervously. He looked at her with an assuring look; or at least the best he could give.

"Yes, I am sure," he said. The miko Sakura nodded in response before returning to her work of sweeping the shrine grounds.

Luckily for them, though, they were getting some help; even if it was kind of unintentional.

A red-colored Hummer H2 pulled into the shrine parking lot. A flock of birds flew away; it was possible that had nothing to do with its appearance, of course. The engine idled for a few moments before the engine was killed. "We're here!" Sean said as he got out of the Hummer.

"We sure are," Kevin said as he stepped out of the passenger's side.

The doors in the back opened. The first one to step out was Daisuke. "So when do we begin?" He asked.

The next person to step out was Maria. "Not yet," she said.

Hitomi came out last. "But we are soon," she said.

"Correct," said Sean. "Hey Kev, do you think you can help me get the equipment out?"

"Sure," said Kevin. Daisuke, wearing green, also came around and helped.

"So Daisuke Miyazawa decides to help," said Maria. "I thought I'd never see the day."

"Sarcasm will get you nowhere, Aparicio," Daisuke said. Sean shook his head in response. "Hitomi, is the haro ready?".

"Yes, brother," Hitomi replied. Hitomi reached into the H2 and pulled out a green, basketball-shaped-and-sized robot. She, too, was from Kyoto.

"Do we really need that?" Sean asked. "We've got the equipment we need."

"I just felt like asking," Daisuke replied. Sean shook his head and unloaded the last box from the H2 before closing the back.

That's when he pulled out a device from his pocket and strapped it to his arm. The others did this, as well. "Alright, here's the plan," he said. "Kevin and I will search the forest back here," he pointed behind himself, to the west. "Rich Boy," he was referring to Daisuke, a nickname Daisuke hated, "Will take the shrine. Maria and Hitomi are to take the forest to the east. Is that clear?" The Red Ranger asked.

"You got it," Kevin, the Blue Ranger, replied.

"Loud and clear," Daisuke, the Green Ranger, replied.

"Perfecto," Maria, the Yellow Ranger, said.

"Okay," Hitomi, the Pink Ranger, said.

"Nice," Sean said. "Alright, get out your AcceleKeys." The Rangers reached into their pockets and pulled something out: a key that flipped out like a switchblade. All five lined up in front of the H2 like this: Kevin, Hitomi, Sean, Maria, and Daisuke. "Alright," Sean said. "It's morphin' time! READY!"

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