Chapter one

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→ Rewritten ←

• h a r r y •

I hate waking up. It’s like the worst thing ever in my life, except for you know, Louis not loving me back. But that’s not what I’m complaining about in the moment so you’ll have to wait for that. Anyways, like I said; waking up is horrible. But I have to suck it up and just get out of bed. With that being said I just close my eyes and bury my face in my very comfortable and soft pillows and try to just get back to sleep.

I’m not a morning person, okay?

And anyways, Liam will probably soon come in and just burst the door open and yell at me to ‘get the fudge up because the interview is in an hour’! I hate when he does that, but he has to every day we have to get up early or within a deadline. Not my fault. Blame my mom for giving birth to me that way.

“Harry! Get the fudge up because the interview is in an hour!” Liam yells as he bursts into the room with a loud thud from the door as it slams into the wall. What did I tell you? I can see the future, oooh. 

I just groan in answer and cover my head with a pillow, trying to block him out and sleep. A normal morning. This is basically what happens everyday, and I’m lucky I’ve learned to control my animal side in the mornings, because before I wasn’t able to do that. Phew.

Oh, this time it seems Liam’s gonna leave me alo― no, nevermind he just pulled my blanket off of me. Now that’s not nice, no matter how many times he does it. But really, jokes on him, I sleep naked.

“Oh for heavens sake, Harry!” Liam whines, and I imagine he’s holding for his eyes. He’s so innocent and cute, even though he looks fucking badass now. He’s fricking hot and sexy, and this is from a gay guy’s point of view so you better believe me. 

I may be smirking against the pillow because this is my victory, like always. But also as always, it’s a short victory because Liam always go get Louis and Louis doesn’t mind my nudiness. It’s a blessing and a curse. This is the curse part. Like, why doesn’t Liam just let Louis wake me up? It’d be a lot easier and save a lot of trouble. Oh, and my blanket would stay on my body. I hate when people rip my blanket off of me and Liam knows it, it’s why he does it. That innocent little devil. 

“Really Liam? Again? I have asked you before and I’ll ask you again; why won’t you just let me wake him up?” There’s Louis. About time, really, he’s late. He sounds amused and just confused. Honestly, I am too, why won’t Liam just let Louis wake me up? It’d be so much better, not only because I’m in love with him, but because he actually gets me up in a reasonable way.

“That’s what he wants, Louis, and that’s why I won’t let you,” Liam answers, all snappy and sighing like it should be obvious. This is what animal hearing does to you; you can hear every detail. Why does he have to be so damn smart and stuff? I let out a groan in frustration.

“See? Now wake him up,” Liam deadpans and I can hear him walk away. Wha..? That doesn’t make sense. He said he wouldn’t let Louis wake me up in the morning, but now he said that’s exactly what he’s supposed to do. What the hell?

“That lad doesn’t make any sense,” Louis says, basically voicing my thoughts.

“Tell me about it,” I mutter into the pillow, content on staying there, blanket or no blanket.

“Now now, Harry, get up,” Louis tsk’s at me, and the next moment I can feel him grab my legs and suddenly I’m shrieking as I’m literally dragged out of bed and fall on the floor. I hate it when Louis does that. 

“Louis!” I shriek in despair. The bad thing is that it worked. I’m wide awake. Damn it. Score for Louis, who’s laughing now by the way. I swear, he hates me.

The Experiment // Larry hybridWhere stories live. Discover now