Chapter nine - 'Help?'

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• l o u i s •

I giggle like a little high school girl as the room changes into a pink colour, full of teddy bears and stuffed animals, and even a big fluffy unicorn. I can't stop it. It looks so funny, yet so surreal. I don't even know anymore.

"Hmm, I think maybe you drugged him to much, dear son."

HAHAHA. What a funny way of talking! I down right laugh at that, because it's funny. I mean come on, that's just so old fashioned! He need to get more .. I don't know, not talk like that? Wait. Who talked? I don't know this dude. GASP! Perhaps he's the unicorn vet, because that unicorn does not look good. Oh dear God, it just puked. Pink puke. Gross, yet funny and also a little bit fascinating.

"No shit, Sherlock," ah, that's my way of talking. Sassssssssseh, "we need him .. 'sober' for this. Are we going to wait for the drug to get out of his system?"

What drug? DID THEY DRUG THE POOR UNICORN? NO. POOR UNICORN! Oh come here, honey. I won't drug you. JUST DON'T FUCKING PUKE ON ME, then I might do something worse. Wait, why did you just run from me? Don't do that. Why would you do that? I just said I wouldn't hurt you ... You're one confusing unicorn. Get away from me. Oh no, no fucking way, too late to apologise, you stupid unicorn.

"Yeah, put him to sleep."

Are they talking about the unicorn again? Why put him to sleep? He seems better.

And then it all turned black.


Again, I wake up to a headache. Seriously? Can't I wake up to something different. Like, I don't know, butterflies flyring around? Because that'd be cute.

"About time you woke up, you were about to miss the show."

Of course. I open my eyes and give him a dirty look, to tell him to fuck off. He just smiles, and then he turns on a screen, that I did not see and certainly wasn't there before, and there, in the middle of a empty, grey room lays Harry. He has a thing on his head, a torture tool. And wires connected to many places. But what freaks me out is the look on his face and the way he's curled up. His eyes are wide, but look tired, exhausted. He shivers, too.

"Oh, I believe you'll enjoy this."

And then Harry started to scream. He screams, his body twisting and turning in almost impossible angles. Tears fall stream down on his cheeks. I choke and I try to get out of this fucking chair. I didn't even notice that I'm crying.

"No! Stop it! STOP! Don't hurt him! STOP IT!" I yell, scream, desperately. I can't bear to see Harry like this. I can't.

That's when I notice his ... extra features. The tail that's whipping around, and his ears that lay lazily on his head, and his eyes. They're yellow, with a hint of red, and if you look straight into them all you can think is 'predator'. A puma. That's what those eyes are. Puma eyes. But it's so fucking adorable it's almost I burst out just being all 'awweeeee ADORABLE LITTLE SHIT' and this is obviously not the right time.

"Stop it! STOP!" I continue to yell, to beg for them to stop, to not torture my Harry, but they just laugh. Laugh in my face, and then the screams from Harry get louder and I swear I can hear cracking from his bones breaking. That just makes me sick. I think I'm gonna puke. That's just sick. SICK I TELL YOU.

Then it stops. Though I can hear Harry's panting and his sniffles and sobs, and it breaks my heart. Silent tears continue to fall down my cheeks, and I look at the boy on the screen, who's curled up, crying and shivering and utterly exhausted. He looks like he wishes he was dead. I can see it in his eyes, and that just makes me cry even more.

"The test results will take two hourse, dad," Dickhead(that's my nickname for Waltz's son) said, and my head snapped up to look at him and Waltz.

"W-wait," I whisper, not able to talk louder, "t-that was a .. test?" At this they both smirk and laugh. My insides turn.

"Of course it was, this is what we do everyday, test the hybrids," Waltz says matter-of-factly. Oh god. Every fucking day? That? A fucking test? Something is wrong with their heads. Like seriously.

"You're sick in your heads," I just says, staring at them in disgust. Yet again they just laugh. Stupid and sadist and assholes and bastards and all other bad words.

"Ah, speaking of tests," Waltz suddenly perked up with a smile. I don't like this, "your test results came, and I must say they were delightful."

Oh shit. No. SHIT.

"Now, this may hurt," a dreadful pause, "a little bit."

And that was the little warning I got before it all exploded around me, again, in pain, in pure agonizing pain, and all I managed to do was scream. Scream for help. Scream for someone to save me.

Scream for Harry.

• n a r r a t o r •

Back at the house the three remaining boys were growing restless and they started to feel even more hopeless than before. Waltz had both Harry and Louis, and Harry took the only phone they had(even though they did not know they had one) so there was no way of contacting Simon or management. All in short; they could do nothing.

They were afraid as well, and at the same moment Harry and Louis are being tortured without mercy, the boys was woken up by a crash outside. Then silence. The boys had already gotten each something to use as a weapon.

Zayn had a hand mirror(in his defence, it is hard).

Liam had a vase(it was the first thing he could get his hands on).

Niall, he, uhm, he had a bag of chips he nervously kept eating(don't judge! Not his fault, he eats when he's nervous).

And then they all, very sneaky like(Niall tripped on the carpet, but shush), walked slowly to the door, afraid of what will come in.

They heard footsteps, slowly closing in, getting louder and louder. And then, the door is opened with a loud 'crack!' and the boys all jump forth and uses their weapons(except Niall, he just yells and takes another chips to eat), but there was no stranger standing there, looking worried and stressed.

It was Simon.

They felt so relieved, they actually started to cry, even Zayn. Simon was shocked, to say the least. He had come because he had known something was wrong.

"Oh, Simon!" Liam cries, "he has Louis and Harry! They're gone!"

Simon's eyes widen a little bit, he didn't know the boys knew. Apperantly Harry had told them, and they didn't look freaked out, except for the part that they were taken.

"Don't worry boys," he says, very calm, "we know how to find them."

The boys stops crying and looks up at him, all waiting for the explanation. They have to find them, and they have to find them now.

"Harry has his phone with him, right?" Simon asks, just to make sure. The boys slowly nods, not understanding what this has to do with anything.

"Then we practically already knows where they are," Simon says, smiling calmly and trying to calm the boys down. They are just confused, though.

"What are you saying, Simon?" Niall asks, a little bit low. He's not so happy anymore. Sad, really.

"What I'm saying is," Simon says, with a dramatic pause(God, the boys hate those), "Harry's phone can be tracked."


Okay, this just got a little bit short, I just wanted to publish something for you guys, to just get it out there. YAY.

Now, it's not so long, but MAYBE, POSSIBLY next chapter is longer? I don't even know myself. Haven't written it yet, so.

Comment, vote, whatever you fancy <3 c:

Later, bitches.

The Experiment // Larry hybridWhere stories live. Discover now