Chapter eight - 'For Louis'

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• l o u i s • (GASP, SHOCKER THERE! No, seriously, if you were shocked you're stupid)

My head hurts, my everything hurts. It all hurts so fucking much I'm about to cry, but I can't, because I can't move. I can feel my body, I just can't move it. It's all on fire, like my skin is trapped, flames hungrily eating it away, and so the flesh, the bones, me myself.

When suddenly, I can open my eyes and all I can see is white, hurting my eyes. But I still can't move, no matter how hard I try.

"Ah, you're awake, finally."

The voice is sickenly sweet and so smooth and it scared the shit out of me, because the tone of his voice tells me he's up to no good. That's when I realise, as my eyes get used to the light I notice that I'm tied to an operation table. And there, right beside me, the man who had spoken, stands Dr Waltz.

I'm too scared to even get a sound out, but I can feel the scream stuck in my throat, it just won't come out. Waltz just smiles, a smirk, a freaking wide grin that just screams 'insane, crazy, LUNATIC' , Not really helping.

"You know, you're reacting the same way dear little Harold did," Waltz chuckles darkly. Wait, what? Harold, as in .. Harry? But .. how .. what .. huh?

He must have seen the confusion on my face, because he suddenly laughs, as he turns around to do something, and I really don't want to find out what.

"Ah, he was lovely. He screamed the highest too, and his DNA," the man sighs, in a way that most people sigh because of a beautiful thought, and that just disgusts me, as I listen to his words, "there's a reason he was .. the favourite, as you call it." No. Please don't tell me this is true. If this is true .. that means Harry's .. a hybrid? The guy I'm in love with is a hybrid and he didn't even tell me? And yes, I've accepted that I love Harry. It's sad really, because he'll never love me.

"Oh, the tests came out amazingly," Waltz decides to continue, talking about the horrible things about Harry, looking really happy and adored, "there was alot of animal DNA mixed with his. And soon, some time in the second year he was here, he became .. numb. He couldn't feel any touch. He didn't even flinch one bit when he was tortured. Oh, it was so lovely."

I think I'm gonna puke. This is so horrible. Did Harry really go through that? And he didn't tell us? Why would he do that? Did he think we would hate him? We would never do that. Waltz continues.

"But then, they found me. All those lovely teenagers who had become a better species," he now growls, "all taken away from me. No. Now that I'm free, I'll have Harry back. He's the most important. I don't even remember the others, but at least now, I'll have you too."

My body freezes up and my blood runs cold. What? Does he mean? No.

"Oh, you can only blame Harry," Waltz singsongs, as he turns around, with a thing in his hands, and that's when I notice all those thingies connected to my body, and the thing on my head. Fear kicks in, yeah, "I only chose you because he was stupid enough to fall in love with you."

What? What was that? I open my mouth to ask him, but everything around me exploded. Pain, everywhere. I scream at the top of my lungs, the pain so overwhelming and it's so unbearable I wish I was dead.

And as fast as it came, it disappeared. I'm breathing uneven, my heart beating like crazy and I'm sweating like a pig.

"You should be happy, that wasn't even near the amount of pain my hybrids have been through."

It makes me sick, he knows he's hurting them, he knows it's torture, he knows it, yet he enjoys it. They should have locked this guy tighter in jail. Seriously.

The Experiment // Larry hybridWhere stories live. Discover now