Chapter ten - 'There was one now there's two'

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• l o u i s •

This time it hurts more than the others. I hate waking up here, it's always with either a headache or a numb, hurting body. It's bloody awful.

But this time it's different. This time I woke up to something horrible. Of course I didn't notice anything at first, for all I knew then was that I was in a lot of pain, but it was less than more. And I could smell so much gross things and hear things I didn't before, which told me something else was going on.

But when I opened my eyes nothing of that mattered. I could only stare, I couldn't scream, or cry or run to hug him. I was tied, and so was he. I was staring at Harry.

He looks horrible.

HIs hair was greasy, and it was sticking to his forehead, it was sweaty, and he was already thinner than he should be. Wow, how long have we been here? Doesn't feel like that long.

But the thing that had me worried was the thing connected to Harry, and the bag of some sort of liquid in it, that is being transferred into Harry. Into. Like, a needle is in his arm, and the liquid is probably going to mix with his DNA or blood- OH HOLY SHIT! It's animal DNA, isn't it?! Oh holy mother of shit! Fucking hell!

That's kinda gross.

I mean, liquid from a bag, being transferred into your blood and DNA through a needle in your arm. Sounds kinda painful too, and disturbing.

Poor Harry. Isn't this the second time he has to go through that?

Ah yes, back to Harry. He really does look horrible. He's exhausted, probably why he's unconscious at the moment, did I mention that? No? I don't really care.

"Ah, so you're awake."

Aaand there he is, that son of a bitch. I don't like him. Perhaps that's what's getting me my sass back? I don't even know, nor do I care. See that, I'm turning badass.

"Ah, yes, I am indeed awake. But you shouldn't be, so go die, thank you," I spit out, glaring at Waltz. Stupid dick. He probably doesn't even have one. Hmpf.

He laughs that sick, very disturbing laughter.

"Oh, but I have plans, haven't you noticed?" he says, and all I do is look at him like he's gone mad, he already has, obviously. He laughs again, urgh, and just turns around to Harry, then turning to me.

"Well, guess that I have to go get the mirror so you can see what I'm talking about," he says, walking out of the room. Well okay then. Didn't make sense, but I don't care, he's gone.

A groan from Harry makes my head snap towards him, and I meet his emerald green eyes that I've missed so fucking much I'm gonna cry, though I'm not going to right now.

"Harry!" I exclaim, making him to look properly at me, because he was kinda dazed. Huh. He looks weak and drained. Ironic since liquid is going into him.


God, he's voice is so small and almost just a whisper, and it looks like it hurts to talk. I hate seeing him like that. He's usually so cheeky and so happy. I hate seeing him so weak, so drained, so.. tired of life.

"Oh God Harry, what is he doing to you?" I whisper, looking at him with sad, tearful eyes. I just want to run over to him, and hug him. I can't though, we're both tied to each of our own chairs.

"Are you okay, Louis?" he whispers, and I can now hear how raspy and hoarse his voice is, and small. I nod, not wanting to worry him. He smiles, before he looks up at my head, I mean wut, and then his the little smile fades and he looks aboslutely horrified. He starts shaking, and closing his eyes.

"No, no, no, no, this can't be happening," he mutters to himself, chanting "no," over and over again. Now, I don't see what the problem is, because my hair can't be that bad. Seriously. No hair is that bad.

And in that moment Waltz came walzing in, haha, irony, and he holds a hand mirror. I have no idea why though, he's not good looking, he looks creepy and I don't get why the hell he would want to look at himself. But he turns to me, grinning with teeth, and then he holds the mirror in front me, full view of my whole head.

I scream.

I look terrible. Seriously, I'm thinner, my face looks drained and I have big bags under my eyes and my hair is greasy, looking wet and sticking to my forehead.

But that's not what made me scream, nor was it what made Harry panic.

What made me scream, and Harry panic, was the lion ears on top of my head, that's laying flat onto it.

You're a hybrid, now.




You've waited for AGES, and this is all you get! :o

I'm so terrible!

But I'm sorry, I have writersblock, and this is from the idea PamelaCR came with, and I needed to get this out and done fast. Sorry, but this is better than nothing, right? o.o

Well anywhores, later bitches.

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