Chapter six - 'Messages.'

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• h a r r y •

After the almost drowning incident the boys learned that I really couldn't swim and hated the water, not just joking, and they apologised so many times I lost count after fiftysix .. Well.

Oh, and another big problem that's really bad is the fact that my animal side deepens my .. sexual frustrations. Meaning I'm more horny than a bunny in heat, and a bunny is in heat all year. But somehow I manage to control it, and I can't even jerk off, seeing as I share rooms with Louis. One word: Frustating. It's horrible. And the boys haven't even noticed it, so I'm guessing I'm pretty good at hiding it, eheh. I feel so proud right now, I even pat myself on shoulder. Yup, that's how proud I am.

Oh, and the danger too. I'm more careful now, always on the look out. The phone Simon gave me always in my pocket. I need this phone. But not one text or call from either Simon or management was good. They'd only contact me if something was bad.

"Harreeeh, come with us on the terrace!" Liam yells, from the terrace. I chuckle lightly before skipping off to join them. We were just going to relax on the terrace today, because the weather is warm and the sun is out. Perfect day, in other words.

Well, until I come out, see Louis shirtless and almost fainting because of the hotness. It's hard not to stare, you know. Oh shit, I'm drooling. I wipe it away quickly, but the boys, except Louis, of course, notice and they all laugh at me. I just glare in response and sit down on a chair.

"Nice day, huh?" Louis says, probably to start a conversation. All of us nods in response, and I'm still stealing subtle glances at Louis. Well, the boys notice them, so does that make them not so subtle? I don't know.

"Can we play a game?" Louis asks, looking at us with the puppy face. Oh fuck. One second and we're all defeated. We know something bad or emberassing is gonna happen to at least one of us, looking at the smug look on Louis' face. It's making my heart race. Hehe, I just made a rhyme without even trying. Now that's amazing.

"What game, then?" Liam asks Louis, sighing. He knows he won't like the answer.

"Truth or dare!" Louis exclaims. Ah, Louis wants to figure out some dirty little secrets. Haha, poor boys, whatever secret they have- wait a minute. Oh shit. OH FUCK. SHIT. HELL NO. Excuse. Excuse. Find an excuse. AHA, the loo!

"Ah, first I gotta go do my business," I say, standing up and practically running inside. I also run to the bathroom, because now I realise I actually have to pee. Hehe.

In that moment my phone vibrates, indicating I have gotten a message. This is not good. I take the phone out of my pocket, and when I read the message my body turn cold and my hands starts to shiver.

"Think you can hide? I will find you. Oh, and I also know your precious little secret. Wouldn't want Louis to find out, now would we?"


Like I didn't know that, it's quite obvious. Right now, I'm terrified. I'm scared. My body's all numb and cold and my heart beats at an incredible speed. It makes so much more sense now. The something that was watching me yesterday when I almost drowned, it was something that worked for Waltz, and since it saw means ... he either knows where I am in this moment or yet to find out. Judging by the message and how it says 'will' he's yet to get the update from the thing. I don't even know what it was.


I almost jump at the sound of Niall's voice, but I remain on the ground, fumbling with the phone as I put it in my pocked, gulping and plastering a fake smile on my face and turning around to meet Niall, who just rounded the corner.

"Yeah, Nialler?" I say, walking towards him. "I'm coming now." I walk past him, not looking him in the eyes, and out to the terrace. I smile like nothing's wrong, but everything is. I can't let them know, that'll only ruin their vacation. I can't do that. This is my problem. Not theirs, and I'll probably put them in danger.

Niall comes out right after me, and we sit down as Louis claps his hands, signaling that now the games have begun. (That kinda sounded dramatic)

"I will start," Louis says, with a fake, dramatic voice that just makes us nervous. "Niall, truth or dare?" Niall gulps, he had hoped Louis wouldn't choose him.

"Truth," he says, after a while.

After that my mind wanders off as the words in the message just repeat itself in my head and the words are swirling around, denying me the ability to ignore it. I'm scared shitless.

The familiar vibration in my pocked alarms me. I gulp, knowing what this means.

Another message.

The familiar words he once said to me rings in my head, making me shake in fear;

"Let the games begin, Harry."


Sorry, it's kinda short .. at least i think so .. o.o

SORRY. (As an apology I'll make the next chapter extra long, okay? or i'll try, at least o.o)

Okay, I have a feeling this story isn't gonna be superlong, maybe a little bit short with, i don't know, fifteen to fourteen chapters, maybe? depends on what I come up with .. o.o


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