Chapter seven - 'Secrets'

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• h a r r y •

I'm fucking scared. The messages comes at a daily basis, at least two or three each days, and the last one really made my blood rund cold;

"I can see you. You can't hide from me, Harry. I made you. You belong to me."

He knows. He knows where we are, we I am, and it scares the shit out of me. And of course I haven't told anybody, not even Simon. I just .. can't. I'm staying away from wndows and I hide in my, or me and Louis', room. The other are suspicious, but there's nothing I can do about it. I'm scared. And when I'm scared I don't even give a shit about what others think of my attitude or actions.

"Harry, we know something's up, now you'd better man up and tell us, or we don't know what we'll do," a menacing Liam says, across the room, walking towrads me, who's curled up in bed. Oh great, I forgot to lock the door. Clever, ain't it? I whimper, curling up even more and closing my eyes, squeezing them shut.

I yelp out of surprise when I feel two strong, warm and familiar arms wrap around my body as Louis lays down behind me, holding me close. I melt into the hug instantly and tug on his shirt. I don't want to say it, I don't want them to know. They'll be worried. They'll be in danger, and I certainly don't want that. I'd rather die.

"Harry," Louis whispers softly, his warm breath tickling my in my neck, sending shivers down my spine. Dammit. "Please, tell us. We know it's something important."

So I tell them. I say it like it is. But I don't think Louis will understand it, only the others.

"He knows. He knows where I am and he knows the 'dirty little secret'."

I hear everyone except Louis' breath hitch as they understand right ahead what I mean. They're terrified, I know it, and it's all my fault.

"How do you know?" Zayn asks carefully and with a faint crack in his voice. He's scared. I snuggle closer into Louis, who responds with holding me even tighter.

"My phone," I mumble. They look at me, they was told they, we, weren't to have any electric devices, especially phones. I just shut my eyes again, because I had opened them, and I hear Liam slowly walk up to my dresser, where I'd put my phone on. I hear him pick it up, unlock it, and then the gasp as he read through the messages.

"Harry!" he exclaims. I open my eyes slowly to look him in the eyes as he looked at me with that sad face, mixed with shock and fear, "why the hell didn't you tell us about this? This is serious, Harry!"

Niall and Zayn looks confused at him before going over to read the messages as well, and while they read they gasp and look at me in horror.

"Why the hell didn't you say anything?!"

Liam keeps reading, and when he comes to the last one, where Waltz had claimed me as his .. property, he gasps.

"Okey, not to be rude or something," Louis suddenly butts in, and I notice he'd gotten up from the bed, and was now looking at us with an accusing face, "but can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?"

Great, more secrets to share.

Bus as I open my mouth to just say, "I'm a fucking hybrid and now Hell's coming back for me", a loud thunder almost makes my eardrums explode and before I even get to breath in or say something, the whole room is dark. The fact that it's night doesn't exactly help, sadly. But the room flashes white as lightning's striking not far from the house. We all hear Louis' whimper and I soon wrap my arms around him, shooshing him and whispering sweet nothings in his ear, with some "you're okay, it's nothing to be afraid of".

But the sound of the door being blown open by the wind freezes up us all. At least, I think it was the wind. And now we can hear the wind and the rain blow outside and down there.

"Harry, you wait here, we'll go down and lock the door," Liam sighs, and I hesitantly let Louis go, and Louis whimpers. He's scared, that much everyone can see, but Niall is soon there, hugging him with one arm and leading him downstairs with the other boys and I'm left here, all alone. I don't know if that's what I want or not. But then I notice my notice my phone on the floor, where Liam had dropped it, and I hadn't even realised he had dropped it. But the thing freaking me out was that on the display, which was lit up, and the words on it scared me; "(1) new message." I pick it uo, slowly and with shaking hands as I open the message and the words on it makes my blood run cold.

"Hmm, what if I made Louis mine too? Would you come on your own then? You know what, I'll do it anyways. It'll be fun."

No, he didn't have Louis, he's with the boys. He's safe, for now. But right about then, a loud crash and a agonizing scream was heard and I dropped my phone, my eyes wide and body frozen. No. NO. But the nest words that Liam screamed told me my suspicions were true;

"He's gone! Louis' gone!"

He found us. He took Louis. It's all your fault.



I'll even get down on my knees and beg for your forgiveness.

WELL THEN. HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER cx hehehehhehee what do you think will happen next?


Okay, I will shut up now.

The Experiment // Larry hybridWhere stories live. Discover now