Chapter eleven - 'Torture and I love you's'

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• l o u i s •

I am freaking out right now.

No seriously, like freaking out. It's hard to breathe and I can't stop screaming. I don't really know why I can't stop screaming, I just can't. It's all just really freaking me out. You're all probably thinking 'Come one Louis, it can't be that bad,' well it fucking is, okay?

I am a hybrid.

That's freaky enough, don't ya think?

I'm a freaking lion hybrid and I actually roared. I fucking roared when I saw myself. Well, after I screamed. It was scary and freaky and it was kinda fun but that's not the point here.


Oh yeah, he's here too. Harry, that is. He's a hybrid too, and how the fucking hell does he sound so calm?!

He's been a hybrid for some years, dumbass.

And there is something else that came with this shit; my brain is now it's own brain. It can fucking talk to me, and if that isn't freaky I don't know what is. Wait, do Harry have to deal with this too?


Shut it. I didn't ask you, and no, do not comment on that.

"Yes, Harry?" I simply say, looking at him. I must say, I'm pretty good at pretending I'm calm when I'm frickin' freaking out inside. Hah, see what I did there?

"Uhm.. are you .. okay?" Harry hesitantly answers, looking sad and depressed and I don't want that. Nope. I don't want my Hazza to look like that.

"Ah yes, I'm great, brilliant actually, never better," I say, in a posh voice, just because I wanted to.


"Aw come on, that was convincing!"


"Okay fiiine, I'm freaking out, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?" I growl, pouting while glaring at him. I can't cross my arms because I'm tied. Now that's annoying.

"It's better than lies," Harry responds with, and that makes me angry. Like he hasn't lied to us for all this time? Like he hasn't been a hybrid all this time and not told us?

"Oh yeah, like you haven't lied to us all this time," I spit out, ignoring his little pathetic whimper as I glare at him. Right now I don't care if I'm in love with him, he will tell me everything that went through that stupid head of his, that I love by the way. He has a lovely head.

"I-I'm sorry, I .. I thought you'd all .. hate me and think I'm disgusting and," aaaaand cue the rambling - wait what? He thought we'd hate him and think he's disgusting. I was right, he is stupid.

"Harry," I try to say, but he just keeps rambling and I don't even know what he's rambling about anymore, "Harry!" Ah, there he shuts up. He looks at me with this .. look that I aboslutely hate. He looks terrified, depressed, sad and something else.

"We'd never hate you nor think you were disgusting!" I exclaim, smiling a little bit. Harry bites his lips, looking like he wants to say something. I tilt my head, looking at him curiously.


"I love you!"

I look at him shocked, completely taken aback. My mind goes all blank because my hopeful side thinks he means the way I love him.

"Uh.. ah.. what?" is the most intilligent thing that comes out of my mouth. Don't blame me, he's the one who just blurted something like that out!

"I love you, as in," he inhales deeply before talking again, "as in I'm in love with you."

And what?

Seriously? He really loves me the way I love him? He looks at me, eyes big and innocent as he waits for my answer, but before I can even open my mouth another voice interrupt us, making us both freeze;

"Aw, isn't that lovely?"


"Harry dear, you finally decided to tell Louis your feelings?" That fucking bastard. Wait, finally? Finally tell his feelings?

"After three years it must have bottled up a little." HOLY SHIT! Three years?! Three fucking years?! That's like .. wait .. that's like all the time we were in the band ... oh fuck. He's been in love with me all the time, hasn't he? Oh my fucking gad, this is too much. I can't take this..

"And Louis, don't you like your new form?" I growl, like really growl. I wanted to roar at him, to eat his head or something, but his head wouldn't have tasted so good, just look at him. Ugh. Not pretty.

"I'll take that as a yes." Seriously, how the fuck is that a yes? Fucked up dude.

"Now, I have decided to have a little bit fun," uh oh, that's not good, "and I have decided Louis will go first." Oh come on! Of course I'm going first. That's just.. ugh. And I don't even know what I'm starting on. That's just scary.

And I couldn't think anymore because the familiar pain shot through me as I screamed. Oh no. Torturing. And I get it now, the whole thing he's got planned out.

Torture us in front of each other.

Now that's just sick. And I should really stop thinking because my whole body is on fire and hurting and it's just unbearable. It felt like thousands of knives were ripping my body to pieces and my scream got mixed with a roar of pain.

Then it stops, as always, and I'm left panting and gasping for air as my body is unmoving, sora and hurting. I dazily look at Harry, who has a horrified look on his face. He has tears flowing down his cheeks and he looks like he's been screaming. He looks so broken and I hate it.

Then it's his turn. His body jerks as his head fly backwards as he screams. His body is twisting and jerking and his screams are getting louder and louder and more painful, and all I'm able to do is just silently cry. I can't scream or yell because my throat is hurting from screaming during the torture. I get why Harry was like that. It's horrible, watching him being tortured, screaming out in pain and his body jerking and twisting.

Then it stops, and he's lying there, not moving and panting. I know how he feels, it's the same for me right now.

"Wasn't that fun?" I hear Waltz exclaim, and I can hear the grin in his voice, and that pisses me off. I can't do anything about it, though. And that pisses me off even more.

"Now this will continue for about .. four hours, and then I'll let you too have a little rest, before the next four hours," Waltz explains. Both I and Harry freeze at his words, staring into each others eyes. And right before the pain starts for both of us, I mouth these words to Harry, making sure he sees, and a little smile was tugging at his lips.

"I'm in love with you too."


Okay, this was poorly written and written in one day, sorry, not edited so mistakes may be there somewhere ... o.o

WELL ANYWHORES, hope you're happy with it, and I'd like some feedback on what I could do better.

Vote, comment whatever you fancy, dears ^^

Later, bitches.

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