Chapter five - 'Oh shit.'

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• h a r r y •

Okay, things were a lot easier now that the boys, except Louis of course, know that I'm a hybrid. Niall keeps petting and scratches me behind my ears, cat ones of course (it'd be wierd otherwise ..), and I can pop my tail and ears when Louis isn't there, so. But I'm afraid he's getting suspicious, he knows we're hiding something. Oh, and I'm quite lucky the boys hasn't connected this 'vacation' with the fact that Waltz is free.

But now they wanna know exactly what animal DNA I have, and if I tell them I think they'll know I was .. the favourite. I hated every second I was in there, and that was two years. I hated every torture, every Experiment, everything. And I got more of that than anyone, because my DNA matched with many more than one and that's retty rare. In my opinion; no animal DNA should match human ones. It's just .. wrong, in a way.

"Come on Harry, we just wanna know what DNA you have mixed with yours," Liam says, with a hopeful pout. They got used to this rather quickly, and I'm a bit suspicious.

"Oh, and can you tell who 'the favourite' was?" Niall jumps in with a hopeful, big smile. I freeze at that and swallow hard. I scratch my ears a little and inhales deeply.

"I was .. 'the favourite'.." I say, and I look down as I hear the silent gasps of Niall and Liam. Zayn isn't here right now, because he's out with Louis, sunbathing or something. I don't know, and I don't really care. Oh who am I kidding? Of course I care! It's my Boo! Oh, and of course Zayn too ... hehe.

"Oh Harry, we're so sorry!" Niall exclaims and wraps me up in a hug. I smile a little, just a little. I don't want to talk about it, but they deserve to know, I mean, they protect me, stand by me, are my friends, even though I'm this .. creature.

"Honestly, it's okay," I say, slowly pulling away, and looking down, "you deserve to know." They both exchange glances before looking back at me, waiting. I inhale deeply, before the words just flows out of my mouth;

"I was the first to be kidnapped, and my DNA matched so many animal DNA's and .. it hurt so much. Everyday was torture as he did tests, planted another DNA. He even was a sadist and enjoyed actual torture too. Two fucking years. Two fucking years I was in there, and it had felt like an eternity. But at least he was kind enough to give us a little food everyday and water. And the two DNA's that matched mine exactly was cat DNA and puma, the reason why it's only those features are the ones I have in my natural form. Oh god, when they found us they were so .. freaked out. But they knew people wouldn't accept this lightly, and therefore the case was strictly classified and the information on who the teenagers was never got out. And now, the nightmares have stopped, finally stopped, and he's fucking back!"

My breath is ragged and the look in my eyes is wild, like a wild animal. Liam and Niall is quiet, and their eyes are wide and their mouths are in the famous 'o' shape. Would've laughed if I just hadn't told them about everything.

"Harry..." Liam softly whispers. I whimper. Don't know why, don't care. Niall looks at me a while, before he grabs me and pulls me into a hug.

"We'll always be there for you Harry, we'll protect you," he whispers, and I smile, thinking, finally, someone who actually love and care for me. That's new. Okay, they're not the first, but they are the first who didn't pity me or treated me differently because of this.. and for that I am grateful.

"Now, let's play throw the cat in the water!" Niall suddenly yells, and I scream and try to run for it, because it's obvious that I'm the cat. But they caught me easily, and this is how I ended up in the river outside. Horrible, isn't it? I totally agree.

I screamed to the water to 'get the fuck off of me!' but it just wouldn't listen, so I yelled at Niall and Liam, and Louis and Zayn, who had joined us because they had heard me scream. But, again, they just laygh and leave me to die. Nice friends, huh?

Be careful.

My body freezes in the exact moment the words echo through my head. My brain is also my instincts, and it knows when I'm in danger, and it warns me. Wierd, huh? It came with the hybrid thing. And right now something with no good intentions are watching me, but I just don't know where. And since I'm in water, and I stopped moving, the water consumed me, and now I can't breath.

It's gone. You're safe, for now.

I open my mouth, but instead of saying anything water came in and I gurgled. I can't breath or swim. My eyes widen in fear. I can see so clearly in the water, but I sink deeper and deeper in the water and it terrifies me. I'm gonna die.

But then, I see something moving above me and I move my head to see, and there, there I see Louis swimming towards me. I try to yell, to say something, but just about then, I black out. Perfect timing, ain't it?


"-rry! Wake up, dammit!"

I breath in deeply, and cough because there's water in my lungs and they want it out. It hurts like hell, but it's reliveing, because now I can breath. I open my eyes slightly before I open then fully, and four faces are staring at me. Louis, Zayn, Liam and Niall. They're worried, I can see it in their faces.

"Hi," I say, but my throat hurts and it comes out rather raspy and deep and I cough afterwards, because it hurts. The boys looks relieved and breaks out into smiles.

"God Harry, you scares us shitless!" Zayn exclaims. I smile that sceeky smile and say, "So none of you have any shit left?" The boys just look at me for my bad and stupid joke, but I just shrug. They should know all of my jokes are bad, and yes, I have realized it myself, but I like 'em, that's why I'm still telling them.

"But Harry, what happened?" Niall asks, a little serious and curious. It all comes back to me, my brain warning me about danger and me freezing. Something had been there. Something bad.

"I .. I don't know .. I just .. couldn't move .." It's not an exactly a lie, it really was like that, but I didn't tell the whole truth.

And that was the first 'lie' I would tell, and not the last, and it was also the start of the storm.

It's just getting started.

The Experiment // Larry hybridWhere stories live. Discover now