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This, this is goodbye to this story, guys. Well, the first book.

There WILL be a sequel, just because I didn't want to say goodbye. Though the sequel will focus more on Niam(there will of course be Larry too), because I decided that was needed too. Sue me.

Anywayzz, check out my new story, 'Stupid'. It's Larry too.

See ya, bitches.


Harry and Louis came out as hybrids eventually, when they were accepted and loved, even. All the other hybrids also came out from hiding, and they assembled a meeting for hubrids only, because they all needed to talk to someone that knew their pain, and for some it was a friend reunion. It was all sweet and very lovely and they all had a great time. They had nothing to worry about.

Right now they're at a interview, where the interviwer is an open hybridlover and is fighting for gay rights, making the show very popular.

"I trust you have some things you'd like to say about this?" she asks the boys, then a picture of Niall scratching behind Louis' ears is shown. Louis is obviously purring and leaning into the touch.

Harry slaps his hand in front of his mouth to keep himself from laughing at the same time as Niall just giggles. Louis, though, he glares playfully at them.

"I was weak! I just... it comes naturally," he pouts, then grinning. "Do you have pictures of me clawing at his face afterwards?"

As it turned out, she did. Niall's face both in the picture and in the inteview was priceless. Louis asked for the pictures to be sent to him, making Niall glare at him for the rest of the interview. Not like Louis cared, he just got funny pictures of Niall.

"I just have one little request," the interviewer says, looking a little nervous but still smiling. "I was just wondering if I could... you know, uh, scratch you behind your ears?"

The look in her eyes says clearly, "please, I want to, but you're free to decline," but neither Harry nor Louis had anything against it, so they smile and nod, taking off their beanies and showing off their ears. Everyone in the rooms awe's at them, making them both blush slightly. The interviewer is smiling relieved and happy, reaching out with both hands to scratch both of the hybrids at the same time. They both immidiately close their eyes, purring and nuzzling into the touch. It's such an adorable sight, making everyone awe, and many take pictures. This is filmed, also, so this would be all over the internet in no time. They had nothing against that either.

After that was done the inteeview ended and since it was the last if the day, they all went home. Of course, Harry and Louis share a flat. It's quite cozyand have some cat toys. What? They have needs. Lions is also related to cats, so Louis does have a catlike side to himself. Harry sometimes uses that to his advantage, but he has cat DNA fully, so Louis wins all the time. Harry just hates that, he wants to win. But he isn't complaining. Far from it, though a teasing Louis does torture him a bit. He's not exactly complaining about that, either.

"Hey Haz, I didn't know people would one day scratch us behind the ears," Louis says, smiling and with a thoughtfull look. Harry chuckles, because who would know something like that? He thought he would hide that secret for the rest of his life.

"Neither did I," Harry smiles at him fondly, only adoration and love in his eyes, "I'm not complaining, though." As part cat, he enjoys being scratched behind the ears and it's obvious Louis does too. Louis chuckles in reply and agrees. Then they kiss.

Not a peck-kiss, but not a snog either, it's a slow kiss that they put all of their love and feelings into. The ones they live for, because they both know they love each other. They'll never fall out of love or even thing of being without the other. Sure, they'll fight, they'll disagree at something, even a relationship with love isn't without hardships. Love isn't about how much you fight or how much you don't, it's about how if the two partners really love each other, they'll find their way back into each other's arms. Louis and Harry did once, they have no doubt they'll do it again.

This is also said about another couple, two guys who love each other. One knows, one is oblivious. One has a secret, the other determined to find out that secret. One is irish, one is english. As individuals they're themselves, two halfs, but together, together they make one.

A secret is kept, feelings are revealed and tears are shed. The two boys in One Direction that together makes one has a lot in store for them. Why don't you enjoy the ride and watch?

You won't regret it, promise.

The Experiment // Larry hybridWhere stories live. Discover now