Chapter two

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→ Rewritten ←

• h a r r y •

If you remember what happened you’ll know that I’m fucked. Not literally and that’s the problem because I want some yummalicious Louis and— focus, Harry!

Alright, alright! jeez, I’m so mean sometimes.

Anyways, back to the problem; I’m fucked.  Okay, so Waltz has escaped prison. No big deal, right? He’s not going to find me or— oh who the fuck am I kidding? I’m bloody famous! He’ll find me just like that. Imagine me snapping my fingers here, okay?

Like, what the actual fuck? How did he even escape? He was in prison, for God’s sake! Those people were the god damn police, at least do your fucking job! Jeez. People are so stupid sometimes.

Oh! Right, the boys. Upsies, I’d forgotten about them. (We’re currently back in mine and Louis’ flat and in the living room where I’m zoned out). That’s not good, it makes me look horrible! Even though I’m the cutest thing ever. Just look at me, and yes I am indeed doing the puppy eyes right now. You’re welcome. Can’t look away, can you? 

What do you mean ‘not run from my problems’? Don’t tell me what to do, bitch! I’ll run from my problems if I want to, and frankly it has worked perfectly before. Like, I only got slapped three times and gotten the Liam—stare... uh, I lost count. I hate that glare, though, it’s like he looks into my very soul in disappointment.

“Harry? Harry!”

God, Liam, shutup! I’m trying to run and hide from my problems here and I was doing darn well until you ruined it!

“What, Liam? I’m fine, just peachy,” I glare at him, making him look slightly surprised.

“Whoa, calm down Harry,” Zayn says, looking confused. “You just zoned out for a minute, and we’re worried about you.”

I did? Eh, not surprising, really. I do that when I panick. Not that I’m panicking or anything... okay, I’m totally panicking.

“I’m sorry, mate,” I smile apologetic at Liam. He frowns. What did I do now? Ugh. Wait, maybe they thinkg there really is something wrong with me, but I am really fine. I’m just fucked, and not by Louis! The world is cruel. Cruel I tell you!

Just then, the phone rings. The emergenxy phone.


I jump up from the couch and I run towards the door to the hallway and through it and then I pick up the phone.

“Some shitty police we’ve got, eh?” I growl into it right away. Hey, I’m panicked, don’t blame me. Blame the police.

“Harry, calm down and don’t worry.” Simon’s voice is calm and collected and I don’t like it. Why is he so calm and collected while I’m freaking the fuck out? 

“How? He’s free, Simon! He’s looking for me and you and I both know damn well he will, sooner or later.”

The Experiment // Larry hybridWhere stories live. Discover now