Chapter twelve - 'About time!'

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• h a r r y •

I still can't believe it. Louis loves me. He loves me the way I love him, and I just. I've waited so long for this and now that it's finally happening.. I feel complete. Happy. Amazing. I don't even care that right now I'm being tortured while Louis has to watch.

Okay, so I do care about that.

But hey, I'm happy right now, so I don't really care in this moment. I will care later, when my high has gone down. I need to think abut this instead of the pain, and it helps, okay? Okay, good. You understand.

Then it's over. My turn of of torture is over, and now it's Louis' turn and mine to watch. This has been going on for a while now. Soon four hours I think. I hope so. Then we'll be able to rest and I want nothing more than that. When you're being tortured for four hours and forced to watch the guy you love being tortured, that's not fun. It's hell. I hate it, and I'm pretty sure Luis hates it too.

Louis isn't screaming, he can't. His voice is too wrecked, and to be honest, mine is too. His face is full of pain, horror and jus plain torture. His body is turning and twisting like always, he's just silent. He can't scream. It's awful not being able to do something your body wants to do automatically, it's something you do on instinct when in pain, really painful pain. You scream. You scream when you're scared, when you hurt yourself too badly, when you fall, when you see a dead body falling down in front of you. But he can't scream.

It's like I'm mute. I can't hear. I hate it. I want to hear Louis' beautiful voice, I want to hear him sing, laugh, telling awful jokes, coming with sassy remarks. All in all, I want to hear him. I want to feel him. And right now, that son of a bitch is stopping me from doing exactly that. Stupid scientist.

"Okay, four hours is up, five hour rest," Waltz says, Louis' body falling limb as the torture ends. "I'm feeling nice, so I'll go and let you be alone."

Well thanks, you're so nice. I sure hope you get that that was sarcasm. It's not one of my strong points, okay? Don't judge.

Wait, did he just say five hours? Isn't that like, five hours more than usual? Something's off, that's for sure. Perhaps I'll like it, if I knew what it was.

"Harry, you okay?" Louis asks, voice small and raspy, it's very damaged. I don't like it.

"Define 'okay'," and my voice is just as damaged. I don't like that either. It hurts to talk, like something died in my throat. Something probably did, too.

"Alive?" he chuckles in reply, or, he tries to. I smile a little, trying to chuckle too - failing miserably.

"Well then, yes," I say, looking at him. I am alive, I think. Unless I'm dead and this is hell, can that happen? I sure hope not. I don't think so either.

"Something's off, isn't it?"

Well how did he know that?

"You think out loud."

I don't do that. Do I?


Oh. I need to stop that. Wait, am I saying this out loud right now?



"You could say that."

"Stop answering my thoughts that I'm thinking out loud without meaning too!"

He starts laughing, not much because it hurts. The sound of his - damaged, though I don't care, because it's his laugh - laugh bring a little smile on my lips, and then he turns serious.

"So, what's off?" he asks.

I sigh, I have to talk a lot now, don't I?

"Well, we have a five hour rest time," I explain, and he gives me a 'so?' look, "it's five hours more than usual." Ah, there he gets it. He also gets that normally Waltz doesn't give us rest. Never. Or rarely.

"Something's wrong, and he needs to fix it," I continue. I know this guy, even though I wish I never met - got kidnapped, whatever - him.

"How the hell do you know that?" He looks at me, and I sigh. I should've known he would ask.

"I know him."


And that was that conversation. The tone in my voice was clear of that, and he knew not to question it further. Awe, he knows me so well! Naw.

He opens his mouth, definitely to ask me something, but the second he opens it, an alarm goes off. It's pretty loud and annoying. I don't like it, and I can tell Louis doesn't either. It hurts my already hurt ears. But the real question here is why it went off. Something's definitely wrong.

"Get them! Go get them, but make sure they don't get away," we can both hear Waltz yell over the alarm, probably to his soon about us. And sure enough, there he is.

He looks paniced and stresses. This is good. A smirk makes its way to my lips, and when he starts to untie me from the chair it gets bigger. This is good. Finally a chance.

As soon as I'm free I jump him - not that way. I claw at his face, hitting him in the head so hard I knock him out. I'm pretty proud, I managed that in my state. Now that's amazing.

But that doesn't stop me from hitting him over and over again, making him at least a little bit of the pain he has helped inflict on me and Louis, and that's unforgiveable. All I can see is my fists hitting him in the face, his blood and I have to smile.


I freeze. I don't know that voice. I look up, and there, at the doorframe, stands two men, cops, with guns pointed at me, and behind them stands ... the boys and Simon.

They found us. They're here. They're actually here.


Then, "Well it's about time!"


Yaaay! They're finally there.

Aren't I nice? Yeah, I know.

So, vote, comment, whatever you fancy, I'd love some feedback ;D

See ya, bitches.

The Experiment // Larry hybridWhere stories live. Discover now