Chapter 1

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Fuck this, fuck my life and fuck whoever comes near me. Who invented cramping anyway in the first place? This sucks ass! Oddio signore cazzo! I can't take this anymore! It even hurts just lying in the bed curled up in a ball, and I feel so nauseous. I want to, no I'm going to puke.

"Romana! You there?"

Ugh, Spain? Sorella must have called him. She's probably going out with potato bastard again. Yeah, now I'm really going to puke again. Why did she call Antonio? He's just going to baby me like he used to. Well, at least I'll get to boss him around a bit.

"Romana! Oh dios mios, are you okay?"

"Does it look like I'm okay you idiot?"

I somehow manage to say in between fits of vomiting. Why the fuck is Antonio rubbing my back?

"Lovi, do you need to go see a doctor?"

"No!" which is again followed by vomit, but less than before since there's nothing left in my stomach. Tomato bastard then decides to grab a wet cloth, wipe my face and bring me to bed. Out of all the people, Sorella could have called, I'm kind of happy it's him. Not because I like him though, but because she could have called France-which is genuinely terrifying. He leaves to go to flush the toilet and comes back with a cold facecloth which he puts on my forehead.

"Lovina, I think this is serious. You should go see a doctor.."

"It's just the flu idiot, no questions! Just go make me some food! Fuck!"

I roll over on my side avoiding any more of the conversation while also trying to control my nausea. The idiot just smiles and kisses me on the cheek before leaving to go make food. Maybe this won't be too bad after all.


"Lovina! I brought you some tomato soup and gelato!"

Ugh, he's back. Well, at least I got some sleep. Wait, what the fuck?

"Here, open your mouth lovi."

Is this bastard trying to spoon feed me? Nope, I am not fucking doing this.

"Fuck off tomato bastard!"

"But lovina, you need to eat."

"Well, I don't want to be fucking spoon fed!"

I would be taken seriously if I didn't make a mess of the soup when I grabbed for the spoon. Fuck, why did I have to have this happen? I can't even look at him I'm so embarrassed but of course, he just lifts my heads and whipes my face. Why does he have to make me feel so bad? Stupid Antonio why does he have those stupid green eyes that manipulate my entire being.

"Okay fine you bastard I'm sorry. You can feed me if you want but be careful."

"Of course Roma, I would never want to hurt you!"

So after a bit of hell from my part Antonio helped me eat and drink, take medication and even cleaned me up a bit. It was kinda nice you know, because I was able to use him as a slave.

"Okay, Romana you need to get some more rest. I'll come check up on you later."

Aw, fuck. I don't want him to leave. It's nice having him around to keep me company. Fuck you bastard why do you make me feel like this I'm never like this! Okay, that's a lie but still.

"Lovi, are you okay?"

Fuck I must be starting to cry! Roll over, just pretend to go to sleep. Idiot Toni won't even notice. I'm not crying! Wait, why is part of the bed being pushed down? Why are my blankets being lifted up? Are those Spain's arms wrapped around my waist?

"Toni what the actual fuck you tomato bastard! You'll get sick too!"

"But then Romana can come and take care of me, si?"

"Fuck no. I'm not taking care of your pathetic ass if you're sick because of your own stupidity!"

"Fine, just get some sleep and quit worrying about me. You need rest. Okay?"

"Fine, good night."

"Buenas noches lovina."

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