Chapter 12

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So today is the dreaded bachelorette party and I think you can tell that I'm not looking forward to it. I know you may ask why but I can't drink, party too hard and I'm going to haul every body's drunk ass back to the car and drive them home. And what's worse is Antonio's going out with Francis, and Potato bastards 1&2. This is not going to end well...

"Hey, Lovi I'm about to, whoa."

I turn to find Antonio in the doorway staring at me in my (almost) skin tight dress.

"You look breathtaking Lovi..."

"We've got some time before we leave you know. I really want to have some time alone with you." I say walking over to Antonio.

I lock the door and seize Antonio's collar before pushing him down on the bed. I stand tall over Antonio (for the first time in my life) and take full advantage of his eagerness.

"Okay, listen to me and listen to me well. You better behave tonight or I swear to the virgin mary you will have hell to pay."

"But Lovina!"

I seize his collar and pull his face parallel to mine. I stare him down and continue talking.

"Antonio, I definitely don't want you to be hung over on our wedding day so here are the rules. No getting drunk, No sex with anyone except me and absolutely no getting naked. Got it?"

"Si Lovi!" He says frantically nodding.

I let his collar go and begin to take my index finger down his chest towards the slight bulge in his pants.

"And if you break any of these rules you will never be able to use this anymore. I don't care what excuse my rules remain the same."

After taunting poor Antonio I grin and go unlock our bedroom door letting him slip past me. I give him one last glare before he heads out with the boys and then go to find Sorella somewhere in the house.

When both Elizabeta and Emma arrive me and Sorella were both ready for the mystery night Elizabeta planned. Knowing that Elizabeta Is a massive yaoi fan I was deeply terrified for both me and Sorella.


She set up the living room and laid out the decorations. She had Emma make a cake (that surprisingly wasn't phallic) glasses and the biggest pint of cosmopolitan I have ever seen.

after everything was set up We all sat down and got ready to play the first game. Apparently, they had Antonio and Potato answer questions about me and Sorella. We're supposed to guess the answers and if we get it wrong Sorella takes a shot and I have to say a positive thing about my future brother in law, If we get it right the one asking the question takes a shot.

"So first question for Feliciana. What does Ludwig find most attractive about you?"

"my hair?" she says after a while of thinking.

They shake their head and tells her that he finds her personality most attractive. How boring. I hope my questions better.

"Lovina, Where was the weirdest place you and Antonio ever have sex?"

I take that back. Emma how could you do this to me!

"I don't know. The couch?"

"Nope. He said it was the first time in the tomato fields when you guys al-"

"I think I know the details" I say pinching my nose.

I answered the rest of the questions truthfully but it was unbearable.

" What are the most times you've ever had sex in one day?"


" What is Antonio's favorite position?"

"Any. As long as it's with me."

"Where did you guys 'do it' for the first time?"

"His house when I was 14. No more details."

"When Antonio comes home he hopes that you're..."

"Cooking in only one of his t-shirts."

"How old is his oldest pair of underwear?"

"587 years old."

"Where's your most sensitive spot."

"I'm ticklish on the neck but also in between the thighs."

"Have you ever thought you had been 'caught in the act'? Details please."

"First time in Italy. Sorella walked in and we had to pretend we were sleeping. She then tried to crawl into bed with us but I kicked her out."

They long stopped asking Sorella a while ago and now she was in on my interrogation.

"What would you say was the best sex ever?"

"The first time." I answered incorrectly.

They shake their heads and read out what he wrote. "I think whenever our Bambino was conceived. Anything that created that would have to be amazing."

I may or may not have started tearing up a bit right then. We moved on after to unwrapping gifts (in which I got some great lingerie) and then eating cake. I'm surprised nobody was drunk by this point but they weren't. I was actually enjoying this a bit.

We eventually all get tired and depart ways after cleaning up. We all have a big day tomorrow anyway.

"Goodnight Lovina! Don't stay up too late!"

And with that, Sorella ran upstairs and went to bed. I stayed awake as long as I could waiting for Antonio but I eventually just got up and went to bed.

Luckily right when I was going to drift off Antonio came through the front door. After a bit of patience, he came in and cuddled into bed with me, and I didn't smell any alcohol on his breath.

Days In Italy (Spamano & Gerita)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin