Chapter 6

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I wake to the smell of fried tomatoes in the air. I stretch out only to be halted tanned muscular arms. I wouldn't mind if one, Antonio didn't sleep like the dead and two, he wasn't crushing my abdomen.

"Agh, Antonio!"

I try smacking him over the head but to no use he just squeezes tighter adding even more discomfort.

"Stupid tomato bastard! You're going to crush the baby!"

"Wha?" He says sleepily after finally waking the fuck up.

"You're crushing me!"

He immediately lets me go and begins frantically spacing out and apologizing. Idiot almost fell off the he was that scared that he hurt the little bambino.

"¡Perdóname! ¡Dios mío! ¡Lo siento! No quiero hacer daño al bebé ! ¡Lo siento!"

I admit it was cute, but it did hurt. Poor baby. I just pout as much as I can but my amusement seeps through for Toni to see. Fuck.

"What are you smiling for Lovi?"

Hold it together Lovina. Don't laugh. "I'm not fucking smiling." Shit. I fucked that up.


I continue to pout until Antonio comes up behind me and begins to tickle me so much I try to push him off the bed. Yeah, try. He has me pinned on the bed as we battle.

"Antonio stop! Please stop!"


I would play the 'it will hurt the baby' card but I can barely talk. Luckily I think I've finally managed to push him off the bed.

"Ha! Admit defeat boss!"

I stand up and go to relish in my wonderful glory, gently putting my foot on Antonio's chest. I just smirk down upon him. Yeah, I know I'm enjoying this too much but I can't help it. It's just too fun!

"Okay, okay, come on help me up. I want breakfast."

Guess I forgot about that. I take my foot off and help him up, his back cracking in the process.

"Heh, you're getting old boss!"

"Oh hush Lovi. I'm only three years older than you."

"Physically." I say raising my eyebrow to his bullshit.

He just rolls his eyes and brings me downstairs to where my sister is making breakfast. I decide to come closer to say hello only to realize that she's with potato bastard. Yay.

"Ve~ Hey Sorella! How are you? Do you wanna finish breakfast with me?"

"Uh sure but just with only you."

We both look at potato sucker to make him leave so we can have bonding time.

Bastard kisses her on the cheek before taking his leave and going to sit at the table with Antonio, most likely to read or something german like that.

"Of course Sorella, I love spending time with you!"

It was nice cooking with my Sorella, up until she spotted the ring on my left hand. Then it kinda went to shit briefly.


Oh no, this won't end well. I know she needed to find out eventually but not the very next day. Well the sooner the better I guess.

"Feli, calm down. What's the matter?"

"Ludwig! Sorella and Antonio are getting married!"

Potato bastard turns to me then to Antonio and gives us his congratulations. Sorella was not as quiet with her approach.

"Ve~ That means we can have a double wedding!"

The room went silent for a while as nobody dared to say anything to Feli. It was the longest time I had where I was okay with potato bastards opinions.

"I would love that Sorella but Toni and I want to get married as soon as possible. Plus, I don't want to ruin your big day."

She gets a sad look and ends up whining "Ve~ But why?"

I look to Toni unable to tell her why myself and luckily he answers her question.

"Because Lovina's expecting."

"Are you serious?" She says as looking at me as I nod to her.

"Ve~ Even better I get to be married to Ludwig even sooner and be a zia! It's perfect!"

She traps me into a gigantic hug and bounces up and down beginning to make me feel nauseous. I glance over to see Antonio talking to Ludwig but I can't make out what they are saying over Sorella squeals. Well, they seem to be agreeing on something which is good. It's weird seeing Ludwig smile.

"Sorella please stop you're making me sick..."

"Ve~ I'm sorry Lovina I didn't mean to make bambino sick!" She says as she stops bouncing and lets me go.

I sit still for five seconds before needing to run to the bathroom to puke. Let's hope the sickness passes by the wedding.

Days In Italy (Spamano & Gerita)Where stories live. Discover now