Chapter 16

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I wake to the light shining in my eyes and a naked Spaniard next to me. I shouldn't complain, I have woken up to worse in the past and Antonio is genuinely adorable especially when sleeping.

"Antonio? Are you awake?"


Okay, time to drag Antonio's ass out of bed while pregnant. I want food dammit. Oh wait, I'm naked too. Well, at least, the blinds are mostly closed. Actually, I have an idea.

"Antonio, bambino and I are hungry and I would drag you out of bed but the heavy lifting is bad for me. Could you please get up and make me some food?"

"Of course Lovi anything for you!" He immediately says before jumping out of bed and getting dressed.

I would say that I'm surprised that it worked, but I'm not. He melts the moment I mention bambino. It's so fun to use him as a personal slave and if I'm going to suffer, I am definitely going to make him suffer with me.

He throws me one of his t-shirts and goes down to make breakfast of I assume fried tomatoes and other things. After slipping on said 'I only came for the pizza shirt' I go down to join my husband.

"Smells good..." I say wrapping my arms around him from behind.

He carefully weaves me around his side and cuddles me close with an arm around my waist rest on the baby bump (of course).

"How is mi hija?"

"They're fine, just hungry," I say with an un-amused look.

Noting the face I had given, Antonio was a bit more cautious with his words. If I'm not pleasant normally I definitely won't be while pregnant.

"Good to know, well food is almost ready. You can go sit down if you want."

"Actually, I'm feeling affectionate today. I want to stay with you. Can I stay with you?"

"Sounds even better!" He says before kissing my forehead.

While we did have to sit down eventually it was a really nice cuddle session that can be restored on the couch since I am currently asking not to sit at the table. Mostly because of the fact that I have no underwear on but you know that I'm not going to tell Antonio that straight out. No, that would not end well. Well, it would but never mind.

"Enjoying the food?"

"Si, very good," I say my face stuffed with breakfast.

But the bastard, of course, refuses to let me eat in peace. He begins to cuddle close and dig his face into my neck (tickling me in the process).

"Antonio stop! Please, I beg for mercy!"

He didn't listen. Nope, he just continues and wraps his arms around my waist and hug me closer; limiting my escape.

"Antonio, this can't be good for the bambino. Please stop!" I say in between fits of laughter.

That finally gets him to stop but not without a pout. But I remain strong! I do not give into his devilish temptation! I just sit and blush deep red as I may have jumped around too much. I do forget that I am only in an oversized t-shirt.

"No fun Lovina. Come on it's our honeymoon!"

"Yeah, one where you and I could be called back into work anytime. Also, a honeymoon in a place I am most likely going to be living in for quite a while."

"Okay, good point. But we can do more of what we did last night."

I did smack him even though I wasn't to opposed to that idea. I have to admit Spain really is the country of sweet passion. Oh god, that was face palm worthy. That's something I expect from the B.T.T.

"Coming from the girl who doesn't wear underwear! Why'd you smack me?"

"I'm sorry," I admit in defeat.

Just then a smile works its way onto his face. "Maybe you need punishment."

I simply nod in agreement.

Days In Italy (Spamano & Gerita)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें