Chapter 11

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I will make it through the day without punching anyone.
I will make it through the day without punching anyone. I will make it through the day without punching anyone no matter what my stupid fucking hormones make me feel. You need to promise this to yourself Romana. Do it for Antonio. Okay, Ready? Let's leave this bathroom now. I will behave myself for Antonio, I will behave.

"Okay Feli, I'm ready to leave now..."

"Okay, Sorella! We're meeting everybody at the church right?"

"Yeah, do you have the bridesmaid dresses?"

"Si let's go!"

We quickly rush out the door to the car and I grab the wheel as soon as I can. I want me and my child to survive the drive to the church okay. I don't need Felicianas driving to wind me up even more.

We arrive there a tad bit late but in one piece, despite Sorellas complaining so that's a bonus. We immediately rush to the small back room area where Elizabeta, Emma and Lilli are waiting. We pass the dresses to Emma and Elizabeta and then go to gush over Lilli's cuteness.

Feliciana and I do our makeup and then I do Lilli's while Sorella does her hair. Oh, my god, she is the cutest flower girl ever. She had a white dress with yellow and pink flowers printed all over that was slightly poofy. It was so cute I needed to take a picture, or two (or twelve).

When Emma and Elizabeta got out they were ready with their dresses and makeup all done. We do final adjustments to our spare dresses (since we don't want the grooms to see us in the actual dresses) and then all get-together and get ready to go down the aisle.

"Okay, Lilli you're first." Elizabeta says pushing Lilli forward.

She then walks down the aisle along to Austria's amazing piano playing. Next is Elizabeta followed by Emma.

"Ready Lovina!"

I nod and link arms with Sorella and walk down. I link eyes with Antonio and gush. For all I know in this moment it's just me and him. After Feli and I made our way down the aisle we went to our grooms. We skimmed through everything and then finished.

We concluded the mock ceremony and the people in the clothes they're actually going to wear for the wedding went to go get changed before leaving for a group dinner (at olive garden).

"You looked beautiful Lovina. I can't wait to see you in your dress on the day." He says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Antonio, not in the car."

"Aw, but Lovi!"

I push him off me and keep away from eye contact keeping my hand up. I swear to god he might as well be medusa or something. Those eyes kill me every time. God, if Bambino has those eyes I'm going to have a hell of a time parenting. I wonder if they'll inherit Antonio's amazing ass too. Shit, why am I thinking that? Stupid Antonio.

"Hey Sorella, where's the wedding reception going to be?" She says hugging Potato B. tightly.

"I don't know. I think some local place, ask potato bastard he organized everything."

"Okay! Ludwig, Where's the reception going to be?"

I just zoned out about there and gave in and turned to Antonio. I let him hug me until we got to olive garden and also while there for a bit. This is what happens when I look into his puppy dog eyes, fuck.

It was a nice dinner (well for the olive garden at least) but I was mostly day dreaming about family related things or gushing over Lilli's fucking cuteness.

Actually, we met her brother at the restaurant since he couldn't make the rehearsal. Guy's got a bug up his ass though. Almost as much as Roderich, but not as much. Sorella at least knew Lilli's brother from before. Apparently he tried to shoot her once upon a time but that has hopefully passed. He's pretty cool after that (since he speaks Italian as well as German & French) and allot of guest's will like him. He's pretty neutral.

The night ended with everyone parting to go home. Me, Antonio, Sorella, Potato, & Albino Potato all had to share a car home while Kiku got a hotel for the night nearby. We got home and I went to eat some gelato as a celebration for not murdering anybody before heading off to bed.

When I walk in Antonio is already asleep on the bed (and only in his boxers I might add) so I decide to grab one of his casual shirts, slip it on, and wear only that and underwear to bed with him. I know he'll wake up happy to that so I crawl into bed and cuddle up to my new favourite pillow who tightens me into a hug.

" Buenas noches Lovina..."

" Buona notte bastards."

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