Chapter 7

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I never thought I would say this but thank god Sorella is engaged to potato bastard. If she was getting married to anybody else me and Antonio would be fucked. The wedding is planned to be in around 6 weeks since it's the earliest time we can get.

Ludwig is on planning and organising, Antonio is helping with organising catering and setting which leaves me and Sorella on dress and salon duty. We've been looking at dresses all week long and haven't found the right ones.

Currently, we're in the second dress shop of today looking around. I've lost Sorella as she's probably looking at dresses I don't really like. I really have these long dresses in mind but I can't seem to find any like them. There all so poofy and detailed which is good for Feli but not for me. I want something plain and thin.

Actually wait, there's a nice dress for Feliciana. Oh wow, I think this is the one. It's a long dress with a turtleneck that covers her arms and top chest in thin lace while the rest of the dress covers her. It's so cute. It'll make her look like a princess. I need to go find her.

"Felicia! Where are you?"

I hear rustling from a distance as I see a hand shoot up. "Hey, Sorella! Quick, come here! You need to come see this!"

I follow her voice to find her by the changing room with the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. It was also long sleeved but it was strapless with thick lace around the cuffs, breastbones and shoulders. The sleeves were see through except for dots and the rest was plain. It really put my dress to shame.

"Wow, Lovina! I like the dress! Are you going to try it on?"

I look back at the dress and avoid eye contact. Fuck, she already has a perfect dress. "No I chose it for you but you already have a perfect dress. I'll go put it back."

"No Sorella don't! I chose this dress for you! Let's try them on together!"

Wait, for me? I won't look good in that. Not as good as her. I can't let her down so I give a polite smile and nod.

After trading dresses (and getting hugged to death by Feliciana) I went to strip down in a changing down. I just stared at the dress forever before finally slipping into it. I struggled with trying to pull up the zipper before finally giving up and going out to meet an already waiting Feli to have her zip it up.

"Hey, Sorella can you-"

Holy shit. She looks good. Like really good. The dress is fucking perfect for her. It fits her figure and accents her femininity. It kinda makes me sad how good she looks.

"Oh my god Lovina you look beautiful! Antonio will love it!"

Oh yeah, I'm in a dress too. "Uh, you look better but can you do up my zipper?"

"Of course!"

I turn and let her do up my zipper before I stand next to her in front of the large mirror in the waiting area. Immediately my emotions swell up. I am taken back by the beautiful creature in the mirror that is supposed to be me. I never thought I could compare to her in any way. I just turn to Feli and nod as much as I can to say I fucking love them. She nods in agreement and pulls me into a hug.

"These are the ones Sorella! Yay! I can't wait!"

"Well, you'll have to. The weddings in almost 5 weeks." I say pushing her off me.

"Now, unzip my dress so we can go pay."

She nods, performs said task and then goes to get undressed. When I go to change I notice something slightly different about myself. Looking closer I grunt when I notice that my stomach has gotten slightly rounder. It's odd. I'm annoyed yet happy at the same time. I'm not supposed to show since I'm only 5 weeks along but it better not be twins or else Toni's going to suffer. Nah, must be my imagination.

Anyway, I got to go pay. I put the dress back on the hanger and meet Feliciana at the cashier. We pay (and you don't want to know how much) and leave with our two dress boxes in the back ready to go look for bridesmaid dresses since the previous store did not carry them. This should be fun.

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