Chapter 3

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2 weeks now and no progress. I'm still fucking sick and puking my guts out. Poor Sorella hasn't been able to talk to me for more than five minutes since I get sick so often. I've been able to walk around and sometimes do work but I've always had to have a bucket with me just in case. I've been mostly bedridden and nursed by Sorella and Antonio and, to be honest, I'm losing it and taking my feelings out on them. I feel bad honestly but I can't do anything else. It's just frustrating.


He comes up behind me on the bed, sits down, and starts to rub my back. He must be trying to persuade me to do something.

"Lovi, can you try to get up and get changed for me, please?"

I knew it. I'm not turning to look at him since I know he's using his worried face that gets me to melt in his arms. Unfortunately, I've seen it before so his face just pops up in my mind. Fuck.

"Okay fine you big baby help me up please."

Bastard just perks up right away at that.

"Of course Roma, Do you need me to help dress you too?"

The fuck. "You pervert no! Maybe, just don't look at me!"

"Lovina it's not like I haven't seen naked before."

This isn't going to be pleasant.

I twist around and sit on the side of the bed while Toni goes through my clothes. He grabs a pair of jeans, a shirt and a sweatshirt before passing said items to me.

I thought he was going to stop there but no, he goes into my underwear drawer and pulls out a pair of panties and a matching bra before handing them to me.

"Lovina I didn't know you were a C cup!"

He got a slap for that of course and after I got up to head to the bathroom. I leave him with the simple instructions to get a pair of socks and my boots before I get out. I change (I'll spare you the details) and walk out to Tomato bastard with my boots and socks.

"Hey Lovi, I'll be out setting up the car. I can send your sister up to help you get there if you like."

I say no and get prepared as he goes to do as he said. I grab my purse and walk out of my room, down the stairs and say goodbye to Feli.

When I step out Toni's leaning against the car waiting for my arrival. He smiles when I get closer and goes to open my door for me. When we're all settled in our seats I notice the eight sick bags he has prepared me.

I end up using three of the eight sick bags by the time we reach our destination, the clinic. I just look back at him and then back down. I feel so enraged and betrayed by Antonio I just can't help but cry. Of course, I try to hide it but to no use.

The words choke up in my throat and I can't say anything to him. I just cry more since I'm so humiliated. He pulls me into and embrace like he used to when I was little and starts to rock me back and forth while whispering in Spanish.

"I'm sorry Lovina, I know doctors upset you but I'm just worried!"

I look up into his comforting green eyes and try to pull my emotions together.

"What? You're worried?"

"Yes, of course! If anything happened to you I wouldn't be able to live with myself." He says hugging me tighter.

I pull my random unexplained emotions together and stay strong in a last attempt to save my pride. I nod, get up (with the sick bags in hand) and get out of the car and go to the trash can and proceeding to dump my puke bags.

"You ready Lovina?"

I grab his hand and get ready to walk into the clinic with him. This should be interesting.

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