Chapter 23

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Oh, my god, I am at the point where I tempted to fucking worship Antonio. He's been going out of his way to make sure I'm the most comfortable I can be. He's learned massages, gotten new clothes+shoes, and bought me that holy pillow of comfort. Seriously that thing is a god sent.

I decided to let him go drinking while baking him something in return. I do hope that he doesn't come drunk, though. He is fucking terrifying. I'm just planning to make Gato d'Ametlla but I may fail. Let's hope not but since I've never baked this and I usually bake with Sorella this may not work.

So what's in this? 8 eggs, sugar, ground cinnamon, grated lemon zest, vanilla extract and ground almonds. Shit that's allot of fucking eggs. And plus, who's fucking idea was it to separate these? Gross. No Lovina, you can do this. Plus it's to say thanks to tomato bastard. Remember, even you are getting sick of your pregnant self.

So combine the egg yolks and sugar, whisk together, add the lemon zest, cinnamon, vanilla, and mix well. Okay, easy enough. I can't possibly mess this up. So then beat the egg whites, scoop about one-third of the whites onto the egg yolk mixture and, using a rubber spatula, fold them in to lighten the mixture. Then add the remaining whites. Ugh, okay. I hope Antonio likes this for all the effort I'm putting in.

So, done. Just put it in a tin and let it rise in the oven. Oh of fucking course I forgot to preheat the frickin oven. Well, now I got to wait like half an hour and then another 40 minutes until the cake is done! Actually scratch that, 30 minutes.

Maybe it's time to do some online shopping, or call Antonio. Yeah, I'll do both. Where's the laptop?


"Hey Sweetie, how are you and the boys?" Oh god, sweetie? What the fuck?

"Lovina? Oh, well were all great! Do you want me home?"

"No it's fine just wanted to check you're not drunk."

"Okay, don't worry I'll be home with you and mi Hija soon!"

"Okay, see you later."

"Can't wait for mi amor!"

It baffles how he always makes me smile in the weirdest ways. Hey always gets me way to sentimental. Oh, shit, is that burning? I haven't put in the cake in yet! Why is it burning? Oh no, why is the fire detector going off? There's no fire I just opened the door, ugh. Fine just put the cake in and fan the detector until it ends.

"Hey, Lovi? Are you here?"

"Um, yeah!"

"Where are you?"

"In the kitchen!"

When he walks in I had just finished dusting the cake with icing sugar. He stands shocked for a while before he comes over and pulls me into a hug.

"So, why is there a completely black cake in the garbage?"


"How many times have you tried to make this."

"This is my third try."

Days In Italy (Spamano & Gerita)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें