Chapter 24

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In all my years of being an unpleasant and anti-social person, I have come to master the art of online shopping. So when Antonio and I decided to start buying nursery furniture I was a fucking pro. I've ordered the entire furniture set and for a great deal too! I officially I like Sweden a lot more now. He and his wife are cool.

But anyways, it's not just me. Antonio has gone out of his way to get paint swatches, tools and anything else I can't order online. It's been real sweet and plus when the furniture comes he's going to invite some friends and do all the painting before setting it all up himself. And this all includes the wardrobe, chest of drawers, crib, bookshelf, changing table and rocking chair just to start with.

And today they finally decided to arrive but unfortunately while Antonio decided to go out and finally get paint. So I ended up having to sign for it and direct the movers where to put it. And when they leave I'll call Antonio to tell him they got here early. Hopefully, we can get him, Alvarez, and potato bastards 1 and 2 to help paint the room tomorrow. Then I'll get to see Emma and Sorella again to make lunch while all the boys work.

"Hey, Antonio it's me. You're probably driving or something but I'm calling to let you know furniture came early. Hopefully, we'll be able to arrange for the boys to come around to paint. I'm going to invite Alvarez so I can see Emma though, so please get along and behave with him. I'll see you later. Bye."

Let's hope he gets this voicemail before I call Emma.

"Ve ciao Sorella! Why are you calling?"

"Hey, I was wondering if you and potato bastards 1&2 would like to come over tomorrow and paint the nursery."

"Of course! We'll be there for sure!"

"Do you need the time to be there?"

"Yes." She says after a long pause.

"If you can be there around eleven, that would be great."

"Okay see you then bye!"

And there she hung up. Now all that's left is Emma to invite Alvarez and possibly her brother but maybe I should wait. Like half an hour, or an hour. No, I should just get this over with.

"Hello, who is this?"

"It's Lovina."

"Ah hello Lovina! How are you and the baby!"

"Were fine but speaking of do you, Tim and Alvarez want to come help set up the nursery tomorrow?"

"I would love to but are you sure about inviting Alvarez?"

"Um, yeah? I don't know. They need to learn to get along eventually. Things haven't been that bad in between them right?"

"You have a point but be careful, okay?"

"Okay. See you guys tomorrow at eleven."

"Bye Lovina. Tell Antonio I say hi!"

Great. Well, now I just need to wait until Antonio gets home or calls me. Yay the two things I hate most. Patience and dread.


Which I won't be feeling.

"Hey, Toni! Did you get my voicemail?"

Oh shit, I'm dead. So very dead. I should go quickly write my will. I'll just leave everything to Sorella. Except bambino if they survive.

"Yes, and might I ask why you invited Alvarez? You know we don't always get along."

"Look, before you kill me hear me out. I thought that you and your brother should work out your differences before the baby's born. Okay? He has a right to be the child's uncle too. Let's at least give him a chance."

I close my eyes expecting the worse but only open them to see Antonio smiling and coming closer to me. He then proceeds to wrap me in a nice big hug.

"You know, motherhood is really changing you."

"For the better?"

"Yes. It makes you a much wiser person and I love it. Just please promise me that you'll still be the little hot head I know."

"With kids like you, I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2016 ⏰

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