A Whole New World

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(A/N): Forget about the first Chapters (A/N). I was going to put the whole school Narrative Essay as one Chapter as a separate story, but then i messed up and published the first Chapters (A/N) with this longer version story. If you want to see the Narrative Essay still just tell me and i will, but for now i'm not going to.

This Chapter is mostly based on my friends Undertale FanFiction. Hers is much better than mine... for now. If you want to see it copy this: https://www.wattpad.com/story/60294481-the-verta-bae-~-a-sansxreader~

As I walked around town, I noticed how much livelier it was. There was a woman walking her dog, a man putting presents under the town's Christmas Tree, a little girl hitting an armless dinosaur looking monster with a limp noodle. As i continued walking I noticed a skeleton with a surprisingly broad chest threatening to capture a human and bring her to the "Great Undyne." I would've said something, but I was also human and female, so whichever he had a problem with, I was one of them, and I did not wish upon myself a crummy juncture. I continued walking around town, when my stomach started making the grumblies. After thinking about where to eat, I decided to go to the only restaurant in town, Grillby's.

Walking in I noticed a lot of monsters I knew, saying hi to each of them as I sat down. Grillby greeted me, and asked me what I wanted to order. "CheeseBurger and Fries, Medium Coke." About eleven minutes later he came back with the food. Suddenly everything stopped. I thought it was something Grillby did that caused the pause in time, until I turned around. It was another skeleton, a fatter one too. He was much shorter than the skeleton from earlier, and most likely more popular, because everybody seemed to know him. "HI SANS!" "HI SANS!" "HI SANS!" "HI SANS!" They were like a bunch of fangirls at a Twenty One Pilots concert, except none of them had ever heard Twenty One Pilots. I began to feel sad for them, and I guess it must have shown, because this "Sans" had sat just next to me.

"Hey kid, you ok?" He asked, I could hear a genuine concern in his voice. "Ohh, it's nothing." He began to stare at the lack of ketchup on my burger. "Here, let me fix that for you." He began to pull a bottle of ketchup out of his eye socket, and pour it on my burger. "Why is there a bottle of ketchup in your eye socket?" I asked shocked, yet scared. "I use it as a storage unit, it's not like i have any other use for it." I suppose he was right, but more questions arose. "Doesn't that hurt?" "I'm a skeleton, I can't feel pain." "What if it gets stuck?" "Then i'll have to use force." Questions ran out, and so did topics of conversation. I offered him a burger to keep the conversation going. "No thanks, I don't have the stomach for it." It took me a moment, but then I started laughing so hard everyone stared at me. "So you're one of them huh." He stared at me in confusion. "One of what?" "Those comedians with the bad jokes."Ohh, yea, that's me. Say, what's your name kid?" "Frisk, and you?" "Sans." Hearing it again made everything click. 'Comedian, his name is Sa-' "COMIC SANS!" I may have been too loud again, because everyone was staring at me again. "Yea, that's my full name. I have a brother too, his name is Papyrus." "Papyrus, like the other font?" "Yep. He's actually at the house now, you could meet him." "I can't wait to see this, what is he like a writer?" "You'll see." And we were gone.  

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