It Was More Than Just A Dream

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(A/N): Yes I know im a day late posting this chapter. I got punished yesterday for going to a friends house without permission... in case you didn't know im 13 and still in 8th grade so yes I do live with my Dad and step mom and yes i do get punishments. Did you like my last chapters name? I wonder how many people here like Panic! At The Disco. I put Twenty One Pilots in the first chapter. Im sure ill make more references, its all im good at. Anywho, enough of my rambling. You may read now.

I lay there on the ground, almost hopeless in great deals of pain. I was practically on death row, waiting for my execution. When they started walking over something weird happened, I felt something I never had before... nothing. No fear, no worry, even the pain was blocked... nothing. Then it all came back after I became shocked by their next move, including the pain. When they stopped beside me they began to explain to me why they were NOT going to kill me. They said I could live in peace and do anything I desired, and that all I needed to do was create a joint soul with them. I guess there was more to that maniacal face than just evil... or was there. I began to realize all of the hidden tricks to this plan, like how much they were hiding from me. 

"What are you going to do with "our" soul, and why do you need me at all? Aren't you supposed to be the strongest, able to defeat me whenever they desire?"

"I'd love to answer you questions, but that's for me to know and you to find out. Secrets, fun right?" Another lie. Secrets weren't good with Chara, but just as Sans said, I was gullible. I was too trusting, which wasn't always a good thing. As they toyed with me for a bit longer, I began to trust them more. I began to ask less questions. I began to grow weaker, already letting them control me without them even possessing me yet. "So what do you say, huh? You and me, together forever and always. It'll be fun." I started to wonder, 'Maybe i'm better off dead.' I guess it was too late, I knew how this was going to end. I would say yes, they would take my soul and merge it with their black and red, tainted one. They... WE,  would go on to the kill  Toriel, Papyrus, Undy-


'WHAT! That's not what happened. I was supposed to say yes. WE were supposed to kill everything.' I thought about it as if I was going to enjoy it. I still didn't understand what was happening, until I felt my arm move just as I had requested it to. I tried to make sense of this, to add 2 and 2 together. I guess I was getting good that, because I remembered something vital. 


Then I realized. This... this was more than just a dream, a memory, a flashback, anything. This was MUCH more. This... was a different timeline. It all made sense now. How I was able to think in the middle of a "memory." I did feel something I never felt before after all. After a little bit of settling, I decided to finish what I started. "I won't do it. I do not accept."

"Well then, that's too bad. It's kind of sad cause what we had, well it could've been something. I guess it wasn't meant to be. SO HOW DARE YOU!" They pulled out the toy knife they had used to wear me down this far already. Coming closer and closer, they rose the knife just above head level, and got ready to strike. Just as they were about to kill me, however, a miracle happened. I woke up in Sans' arms, crying, laughing, everything. I guess I haven't felt that before either. "(Y/N), ARE... YOU... OK?"

"Where am I? How did I get back here? Am I dead? Is this my heaven?"

"No, you're not dead, but you are a little bit crazy right now. What happened to you?" well this was gonna be one hell of an explanation.

"I went back to when I fought them. I thought it was a flashback, but then I started to gain control, it was then I realized it wasn't a flashback, I was in a different timeline. I don't know how I got there, but I was. I told them no, that I didn't accept their plastic promises, and i'm not too sure and have no evidence what-so-ever, but I think I may have just changed the past.

"What, what are you talking about?" Well, I guess their was my evidence.


(A/N): I told you i was bound to make more. I just made the title More Than Just A Dream, a Nelly reference, It's kind of sad cause what we had, well it could've been something. I guess it wasn't meant to be. SO HOW DARE YOU! was all from Bring Me The Horizon. And Plastic Promises was from Set It Off. Let's try something here, tell me if you like any of the bands/singers mentioned so far (ToP, P!ATD, SWS, Nelly, BMTH, possible etc that I dont remember but probably not) and from now of tell me you think you caught any secret references and if you like that band/singer. I guess ill do an update on the ones I actually made every like 2-3 chapters to keep it semi new still before I forget. WOW I just made a slipknot reference... add that in there.

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