Wish We Could Turn Back Time

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(A/N): What did I say. I did miss one that I noticed now. One of the chapters is called "Remember The Time" which was a Michael Jackson reference. Also were so close to 100! I know it's still a small achievement that we haven't even reached yet but im still proud of it. Also I have ideas for new stories, which means that soon I will end this one. DO NOT FEAR! If I can think of a good way, I will make a sequel in which it starts at a point where you don't have to read this whole story to fully understand it. Also it may be a little late but maybe i should mention that words in bold are the readers thoughts... You may proceed. 

"Oh, nothing. It must have just been a daydream or something." I didn't know how I was going to explain to him everything that he just did to me, especially since I didn't even remember it myself. "Are you sure? You sounded really scared."

"Yea, really." I didn't know what to do now, but what I didn't want to do was stay with him. He might ask questions I didn't know how to answer. He didn't remember anything, but there was a possibility that someone else did. I went downstairs to Papyrus to see if he remembered anything. "Papyrus, can you explain to me what happened in the last timeline?"

"THE LAST WHAT? TIME LIE? I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW TIME COULD LIE, ONLY THE CLOCK CAN!" I forgot, he wasn't very bright. He can barely explain to me the difference between a clock and a watch. It was then I realized that wasn't the case. Sans has said before that only a certain few can remember other timelines, clearly Papyrus wasn't included. I headed towards Toriel's house to see if she could tell me anything. If Sans would have told somebody about all of this it would have to be her seeing that I do live in the same house. Walking in I saw her cooking more pancakes, I guess the flashback wasn't as long as I thought. "Hungry?" I wasn't really hungry at all, but I felt like I deserved a little treat. I wouldn't assume that it was a great choice to ask someone how they practically died while they were eating, so I held off for a bit. After we were done, however, I was straight to the point. "Tori, I don't mean to bring back certain memories, but do you think you can remind me of what happened to me and Chara before?"

"Who's Chara? Is that one of your little friends?"

'WHAT! ALL MY ASSUMPTIONS DOWN THE DRAIN! CRASH BANG POW I DON'T EVEN KNOW!' If she didn't know who Chara was, then does that mean Chara doesn't exist in this timeline? Maybe they just haven't showed up yet. I had thought up so many questions about this timeline that I forgot about the biggest question of them all, what happened to me in the last timeline? I became conscious before I saw what happened to me. If I died, how would I be here? I did my best to concentrate as hard as I could, trying to go back. I may have looked a bit crazy, or even constipated, and the fact that I tried this in front of Toriel didn't help my sanity level. It didn't matter though, because it worked. I was back in. I saw Chara coming up to me again, knife in hand. As she swung I did something I didn't know I could, I blocked it. Actually, I did more than just block it, I took it. At this point it was in my possession, and a sudden rush of power fell over me. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do, but after that, the thought of what I could do filled me with determination. 

(A/N): Sorry, I know this is kind of a short chapter. Ill try to make the next chapter a bit longer and more entertaining. Also, I officially have 3 new story ideas, including how im going to start the sequel. I plan on ending this story at chapter 15 so I can start the others, but whatever happens happens. And yes, there is a song reference in this chapter.

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