Not-So-Secret Admirer

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(A/N): So i took a little break from the story because ive been a little sick lately, actually i probably wrote like 3 things in school the entirety of last week. But anyway now when i come back to it now i forgot what i was going to write before... great. From now on im going to write longer chapters because i noticed most previous chapters are short and some are mostly dialogue.

He took me to a restaurant inside a hotel. The place was very fancy, the kind of place you would take your wife out to on Friday for a date. Silence filled the room since we sat down, the whole time Sans was just staring at me. I began to feel uncomfortable and asked him what he wanted from me.

"Just get it over with."

I know it's not the nicest thing to say, but it was all I really wanted. I couldn't help but notice that he was still staring at me, and now had a slight smile on his face. I waved my hand in front of him, and he seemed to jump back into reality. That was weird, but I didn't pay much attention to it because I wanted to know what this was about. He didn't seem to want answers anymore. In fact now he seemed to want a little talk. Realizing so I decided to start the conversation. 

"So whatzup?" 

"Oh, wha?"

 I didn't know what to talk about, but I didn't want it to get awkward... trust me we've had enough of that today. I began to search around the room for items that would remind me of some kind of topic to talk about. I didn't really need to, he already seemed to have the whole day planned out. He didn't really speak much after that. He lead me out of the restaurant by the hand and took me back to his house. Neither of us bought anything at the restaurant but I guess it didn't matter, I wasn't that hungry anyway. He sat me right next to Papyrus and began talking like it was a therapy session. 

"So how long have you two known eachother?"

"Dude... seriously? Is this really going on right now?"

"I'm sorry i don't know what to do, you two seemed to have made up already and I promised your mom i'd have you for the whole day."

"I KNOW WHAT WE CAN DO!" Papyrus said, flinging his right hand into the air, index finger out.


That actually didn't sound that bad.  As we began Papyrus went first. Sans dared him to speak lower for the rest of the game. Seeing that that was close to impossible, he agreed to 3 turns. Next it was my turn. Papyrus, using a much deeper voice, demanded that I do my best impression of Sans. I stood up and did what any other logical person would do, I marched around dancing like a chicken. Papyrus began to die of laughter, and Sans even started to smile. When it became Sans' turn, I started to realize why Papyrus wanted us to play this. 

"SANS, I DARE YOU TO TELL (Y/N) WHAT YOU TOLD MY EARLIER!"  Sans tried to refuse, and his cheeks grew blue. 


"Papyrus, you failed your dare."

"No don't change the subject on me what is he talking about? What did you tell him earlier?"

He was hesitant, but finally stood up, head down, and walked over to me. I began to get scared, he walked aggressively, what scared me more was that he didn't seem to know it. He stopped in front of me and began to whisper:

'I can't hold back anymore.'

I didn't understand, but before I could process anything I felt a pair of teeth on my lips. As much as I was tempted to pull away, I almost didn't want to. It felt good, and it's been a while since I had a kiss or... teeth pressed against my lips. Whatever it was, it was nice. When it ended it almost made me sad. He apologized, and offered to take me home. "Can we talk about this?" I asked as we approached the house. He gave no reply. He hadn't said anything the whole way home and it scared me. Was that it? Was it going to be the same after that? What does he think of me? I was so confused. Toriel opened the door. He greeted her, dropped me off, and left. I went to my room and laid on my bed. Pondering about everything that just happened I began to create more questions. I still don't know if that even meant anything, but I guess it's just one more question for tomorrow. And with that, I rested my head to enter a world of dreams, except most of tonight was a nightmare, because the voice had came back.

"Hello again."

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