Remember The Time

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(A/N): So now i'm feeling better, but i'm also DETERMINED to upload chapters around 4 days from each other instead of the 2 days like before, except now i forget when I uploaded the last chapter... either way it'll be around 4 days when I upload this chapter. I still can't upload pictures on this computer. I wanna put pictures but this computer was like "Nope MmmMmm can't have that" sooo... just go read i'm done here.

"Cut the crap Chara."

"Oh, I see, you want answers don't you?"

Their voice was even more distorted than before, which kinda scared me.

"Yes, in fact I do."

"Well if you must know you practically birthed me. You brought me back to life after you... you know, killed everyone.

'What are they talking about?'

I decided to ask, but then I remembered. I remembered everything. I remembered why Chara was so familiar the first time I saw them. It had haunted me for so long. It was why I was so quiet and secluded. Why I was always to myself. Why I even started cutting for a while,  and even now thought about cutting again. It was a terrible time, and just like that was brought back to my mind. I thought everyone forgot, and when I tried to reset on Sans and Papyrus I regretted it instantly. I thought about how I was going to mention this to Sans, but I was cut off by Chara explaining the traumatizing events in depth, detail by detail, kill by kill.

"You started with your precious mother, Toriel. You slit her and walked away without a care in the world. Then you went to Papyrus. Even then he still believed in you... Silly boy. You should've seen the look on Sans' face when he saw his little brothers scarf laying there in the snow. Should I continue? Theirs plenty more to go. Undyne, Sans, Asgore. 

I wanted it to end. I wanted it all it go away, but it wouldn't. Not with Chara around... not with Chara alive. From that moment I knew I had to do it again. One more slit was necessary to make all the other ones go away again. No, it couldn't be that easy. Still, I had to try... I had to try something. At this point anything was better than what i was feeling right now, deep down. Something called guilt was what haunted me for so long. I wanted to punch guilt in the face, but I couldn't. Guilt didn't have a face, or even a physical appearance. Unlike guilt, however, Chara had a physical appearance, something I COULD punch in the face... with a knife... repeatedly. I chuckled at the thought, and as if on Que, right when I figured out my plan, I was awoken from my slumber by the goat talking to the skeleton. 

This times there was no slip ups. He spoke quickly, yet his words were thought out. He seemed to be nervous, because he was rushing the whole time. When we left, he took me straight to his house. This time was no different than the rest. Silence filled the air, with the exception of the wind and a few children, one with no arms. Figuring Papyrus would try to do something childish as usual, I thought it would be a bad time to mention something as serious as Chara's Freddy Krueger like appearance in my nightmares. Of course I was right, It was Papyrus, he was a loving creature with the mentality of a 5 year old. Not that that was a bad thing exactly, but he just couldn't seem to act his age... ever. This time he wanted to have a sleepover. "Bad time, Pap. It's 9:30 A.M., plus, me and (Y/N) need to talk about a few things."


I thought he was talking about the kiss, but when we got to his room, that changed quickly. "You've met them already, haven't you?" He said it with such confidence it didn't sound like it was much of a question. "Define "them."" "Chara, the boy-- girl... whatever the hell they are. The kid." 

"About that."

'How did he know.'

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