Chapter 11

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[A/N: I'm switching the story from 'you' to 'I', just a small note]

Y/n's point of view

Thor and I had finally made it to Laufey's castle, most likely half frozen, but ready to fight. As we both were thawing ourselves out, I saw Loki walking down the stairs towards us. I immediately dropped all of our gear that I was holding and ran up to Loki and bear hugged him. Loki, oddly, did not hug me back, he just stood stiffly.

"Loki?" I said in almost disbelief, "What has gotten into you? Are you not glad we have come to rescue you? And where are your chains? Why aren't you running away?" I had so many questions bounding and jumping through my head, there must be logical explanations to at least half of them.

Loki only shrugged. "Laufey let me go, but I have decided I like it here, I don't want to leave. Laufey was right Y/n, he is our real father, not Odin, why were we wasting our time there in Asgard, when we belong here? You should join me Y/n."

I could not believe what I was hearing, surely Loki didn't mean all of that.

"Loki, please break out of whatever spell Laufey has put you under, and come back to us. We love you."

"Y/n, I assure you, I am under no spell, it is my own free will keeping me here. You in time, will see too, none of our 'family' in Asgard actually loved us for who we really are, not Odin, not Thor, not even Frigga. They just want us to hide our true identity so they don't feel threatened. Don't you see, they were only scared of us. But with Laufey, we are loved. Laufey loves us for who we truly are. Our 'family' does not love us, and I do not love them."

At this point, tears were streaming down my face and I could not stop them. "Loki, do not believe the lies Laufey has fed you, we DO love you, I promise! Laufey only wants to use you. We love you no matter what, now please come with us, before it's too late."

"If you are not with me, the you are my enemy." Loki said darkly. [*wink wink* see what I did there]

I leaned over to Thor and whispered, "I think this place is getting to Loki's head, we must get him back to Asgard and maybe he will come back to his senses. We will need to tie him in a bag to carry him though."

"Good idea sister." I handed Thor a bag, and he ran right up to Loki, like trying to catch a cat. Loki fought hard, but he was no match for Thor's strength. Once Thor had Loki secured, he threw the now-bagged Loki over his shoulder and we ran out of Laufey's palace.

"That seemed way too easy, this doesn't feel right." I yelled over the wind at Thor, as we both were running. Thor was about to respond, but we both turned around because of a loud rumbling sound in the distance, and saw a frost giant army gaining on us.

"You had to mention our good fortune and give us bad luck?" Thor said jokingly. "Heimdall, open the bifrost before the Jotuns get too close!"

At first, Heimdall did not answer, but after a minute of his silence, the bifrost came blazing through the sky, and scooped us all up in an instant. Thor gently but cautiously set down the bag with a kicking and defiant Loki, and untied it. Loki scrambled out and dusted himself off with a huff.

"You all are trying in vain if you think you can win me back. I've told you, I never loved any of you, it was all just an act. But I have now found someone I truly love. Now," Loki turned to Heimdall, "If you would kindly return me to Jotunheim, I would be most grateful."

Heimdall looked both sorrowful and shocked at the same time for Loki, but turned back to him and said, "I am truly sorry Loki, but I cannot allow you to go back there. Your family is here, you know this, you just need to see it."

Loki only grumbled. "I do not want to be here, I do not want to be here with any of you. Everything I have said is true. You can't keep me here forever, I will find a way to Jotunheim somehow. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to find a way to Jotunheim!" [*double wink*] And with that, Loki quickly stomped away from the bifrost.

As soon as Loki was gone, I burst into tears and ran to Thor. "Oh Thor, what are we going to do? What if Loki really is telling the truth, that he doesn't love us?" I buried my face into Thor's shoulder.

"No Y/n, I refuse to believe that. We will find a way to help Loki remember again. But we must stay strong and believe that Loki can change."

I was too late, Laufey had done something far worse to Loki than torturing him, he had turned Loki against us. Pitting us against each other.


Loki's point of view

When I was out of sight of Thor, Y/n, and Heimdall, I used my magic to transport me to a quiet and secret part of Frigga's garden.

"Laufey," I pleaded, sort of just talking to the sky and hoping Laufey would hear me, "May I please let out my emotions for a few minutes? It is not healthy for me to keep them in like this." On the outside I was placid, stone-faced, but on the inside it felt like I had a black hole in the pit of my stomach, and it was slowly eating away at me every time another hideous, and painful lie so 'easily' escaped my lips.

Laufey somehow spoke to me from inside my head. "Yes Loki, I suppose you can," but I could here him sigh about it.

A few seconds later, I felt Laufey release me and relief washed over me like a waterfall. But instead of cheering, I cried. I cried and wept because it had only been a few hours since I had been cursed, but I had managed to break both Thor and Y/n's hearts over and over again. Thor might not have shown it, but Y/n's pleads and tears said it all. How am I going to make it through this? How was my family going to? I cried and cried until there were no more tears left. This task was going to break me, so much, every ping of guilt, every sad look and tear that was shed, and you would not be able to do anything about it.

I finally stood up, and Laufey returned me to my awful state of blank-faced hatred for Asgard.

"Now," Laufey said in my head, "Continue the job, give your family the heart break they deserve."

And you headed back to the palace, unwillingly going to cause more pain and suffering.

[A/N: Hey guys, How's it going? I know I've said I'm doing faster updates and then don't, but this time I mean it. So, what do you think? Team Laufey or Team Odin? Jk jk, if anyone says Team Laufey I will come sit you down and have a talk with you XD. Comment and vote please! I really love feedback and knowing that people are enjoying this! Thanks again, you guys are just the best!]

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