"Stella.. that's Harry Styles." x

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A/N: Why is this the most viewed chapter lmao someone please explain

After that strange run in with that Harry guy my evening after work felt a bit strange, almost surreal. I began questioning reality and everything I know when suddenly I get a text from my friend Laurie:

L: Hey you never came by, where did you go?

S: I completely forgot, sorry. Had an accident earlier and time seemed to speed by

L: Its fine. Just stay where you are, omw

While waiting I decided to manage time by getting my groceries out of the car. I walk out of the front door and I'm greeted by a black car parked in front of my house.

For second I am frozen. Moments later the car skids away as if it were being chased by the police. "..ok," I whisper under my breath. Then I decide the groceries aren't worth being kidnapped so I rush back into the house and lock the door behind me. I don't know who that was but I do NOT plan on meeting them. I decide to go ahead and call the insurance company that Harry gave me to get my mind off of the weird shit going on that is actually my life.

I call the number only to get no answer.

What kind of insurance company is this? Not answering calls?

Suddenly I get a call back, but from a different number. The area code seemed legit so I answered. I was greeted by a deep voice. "Tell me when you're available so that we can get this done."

I sit there for a moment, trying to process the demand.

"Oh and by the way, this is Harry. Sorry for scaring you," he said in a bubbly tone. "After working all day I become a bit awkward when it comes to talking to people- I mean I boss people around all day, sorry about that."

"Hi, yeah it's no problem," I said as I got a knock from the door. What the hell DOES he do for a living? I shake the thought and prepare to open the door. "Harry I've got to go."

"No please, we have to schedule a time for us to-"

"I have to go, Harry."

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at noon. Dress comfortably," he says in a stern voice, completely changing the tone of the conversation.

Just as I was about to protest I was met with static. He hung up on me. Seconds later I got a text from the same number Harry called from:

H: Be ready by 12:00. I will come by so that you can follow me to the place I got to fix your car. Immediately after dropping your car off we are to go to lunch wherever you would like. X- Harry

I am astonished for a split second but quickly realise I still haven't opened the door for Laurie. I rush over and swing the door open, greeted by her big brown eyes.

"What took you so long? Thought maybe you forgot about me haha!"

"Hahaaa yeahhh."

"Something is definitely wrong. Tell me. Wait, it's about your little car wreck isn't it? How did that go by the way? I didn't get a look at your car when i came in," she says as she walks to the kitchen to find something to eat. Typical Laurie.

"Yes, I'm also upset because I'm about to see your face of disappointment when you open the fridge and the cabinets."

"What? You've got no food in the house?!"

"No, still out in my car." Wow my car probably smells like ass now.

"Well come on lets get it out! Its not going to do much for us out in your car, now is it?"

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