Candy & Champagne x

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My breath hitches and I breathe in through my nose, the air prying out any moisture I had left. "14. Thank you Daddy," I say firmly, my voice slightly hoarse. One more, I can fucking do this. I haven't let one tear fall and I don't plan on it now.

The last one was the scariest, but I felt the most relief when it came.


I release that final breath of relief and thank him. "15. Thank you so much Daddy," I say, half way sobbing.

No no no, I refuse to cry. I won't.

He grabs my torso to lift it from the desktop, turning me around so that I'm facing him in such a way that his hips are pinning me against the hard wood. He places both of his hands on each of my ass cheeks, massaging the warm, irritated skin. I groan and place my hands on his torso to try and keep calm, steadying my breathing so that I don't cry.

He angles his head slightly, looking down at me and continuing his slow, repetitive breathing pattern.

He hums and removes his left hand to gently grab my chin so he can get a better look at me. I flinch at the sudden movements as he furrows his brows in concern. He simply dismisses my action, understanding why I'm afraid of him right now.

I try insanely hard not to be afraid, but it's so damn hard

"You're not crying," he says in a confused but concerned tone. At this point my eyes burn with the sting of tears. "Are you okay?"

I try to stay cool by breathing in through my nostrils so that I can reply to his question. I only manage to release a whimper before I lose control, falling into a pit of despair- all the while my body tensing up and shaking ever so slightly.

He sighs in relief, grabbing the back of my neck and pulling me into his bare chest so that our bodies are perfectly molded together. "Don't do that. I was scared for a moment," he coos into my ear as my spasm begin to fade into soft whimpers. "I thought I broke you or something," he says, kissing the top of my head.

I say nothing and frown, listening to the low thump of his heart. We just stand there, listening to each other breathe. "Think you ought to go home?" He pulled me away slightly to look at me as he spoke.

I pull away completely to rub my eyes with the back of my hand and yawn softly, nodding to him. He hums, looking at his watch in concentration. "Still a little early in the day," he says to himself.

"On the second thought, I'll just sit and watch you work or something. I'm bored," I say, speaking through the lump in my throat that was left after my little moment. I mean, I am truly and genuinely bored. Wouldn't hurt anyone if I just sat down for a minute to recoup.

But the real explanation is this- I honestly just don't want to ride home with some mysterious man, everything seems to go wrong when I meet new people.

His eye twinkles in the dim light and he looks down at me with a raised eyebrow. "I thought you'd much rather prefer sleeping in our bed?" He grabs me again, wrapping his long fingers around my ass again. I instinctively rest my hands on his chest.

It felt as if my skin should be hissing because it was so warm in contrast to the cold rings that decorated his fingers.

I ponder on the idea for a moment. Do I really want to sit here and watch him work for the rest of the day?

 i'm fucking exhausted. "I mean, I'm not tired? Just because you gave me a little spanking doesn't mean I'm exhausted," I say in a bratty tone, lightly running my fingernails over his pale skin. "I'm a big girl."

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