"Wrong- in more ways than one." x

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I am shockingly woken up the next morning by movement beside me. I open my eyes and see a sleeping Harry. He looks so sweet and peaceful when he sleeps, almost like a porcelain doll.

As I get lost in his relaxed facial features I snap back into reality and realise that it's Tuesday.


I quickly look at his bedside clock and it reads 7:21.

Fuck fuck fuck.

I didn't go to work yesterday and I was about to be late for it today.

I'm going to get a fucking earful when I arrive at work. Louis is going to kill me.

I get up from the bed quickly trying not to wake Harry but of course I fail.

He feels my side of the bed, reaching for something to hold. When he felt nothing, he scrunched his nose and inhaled deeply as he slowly opened his vibrant, dilated eyes.

"What's up?" He asks in his raspy morning voice. This is my first time seeing him this way: his hair tossed around, his eyes red and sleepy, his voice warm and silky, his accent is at the thickest I believe I've ever heard it.

"I've got work today," I say panicked. "I had it yesterday but I didn't go."

"Ok," he says as he lays his head back down. "You can take my car," he says. "Keys are on the kitchen counter. You'll be taking the black Bmw," he says as he snuggles his face to the pillow.

I'm about to tell him I can take my own car but shortly realise I didn't drive my own car here. "Thank you daddy."

He grins, showing off his dimples. "You're welcome baby," he says as he begins dozing off back to sleep.

I smile at his tiredness and rush to the bathroom to shower.

I finish my shower and facepalm myself when I figure out I don't have my work clothes with me. I rush out of the bathroom only in my towel to look at the clock. It's 7:50, I have 40 minutes to drive back to my house on the other side of town and then to work. I throw on a pair of Harry's joggers and a t-shirt and head out.
8:05 am

I'm just leaving my house and I have a 10 minute drive to get to work- without traffic. I decide to take advantage of Harry's sports car a take the freeway, which is surprisingly clear for this time of morning.

I drive onto the freeway, switch the car into sport mode. The speedometer changes from 0 - 150  to  0 - 270. I pick up my speed to about 105.

I slow down as I see my exit in the distance, I look down at the clock. I just took 6 minutes off of a 10 minute drive. I smile devilishly at how smooth the ride was.

But as I pull into the parking lot I am convinced that my heart has truly fallen through my ass. I see Louis' car parked in the usual spot. I was hoping he maybe wasn't here today or something, but as usual my hopes and dreams were crushed by reality.

I got out of the car and smiled as if nothing was happening. Like this was just another normal day at work. I walk in and check in at the front desk. That bitch Sandy is still the receptionist, I hate her guts.

"Oh look who decided to show up for work today," she says with a stupid smirk on her face.

"Don't I always come to work?"

"You weren't here yesterday," she says as she looks back at the computer. "Looks like you enjoyed yourself a little bit too much last night," she says still looking at the screen.

"What the fuck are you talking about," I say blankly.

She looks up at me like I'm an idiot. "The hickies on your neck, dumbass."

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