Hands off x

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Harry's POV

Why does she look so worried? I'm pouring my heart out to her, I told her I would never hurt her. Then again we've just met days ago.

"Please tell me why I promise I won't see you any differently," she says, worriedly.

I forgot she even told me to tell her about what I've done. I am in no way proud of my past, I don't look forward to bringing up my past demons.


"HARRY GET DOWN HERE I AM NOT DRIVING YOU TO SCHOOL," yelled my mum, waking me from my sleep.

I look up to see my sister opening the door. "You'd better not be late for your first day, Haz," she says sweetly.

"Thanks Gem," I say, cringing at my voice. It's so loud and raspy, just all around irritating.

She begins walking out, closing the door softly. I glance over to my clothes and shoes that I had placed on my vanity the night before. I find it despicable that I am having to go to another school the third time this year. I've had so many episodes lately because of all the disorganization that I feel exhausted even after a good night's sleep. I haven't been able to go to school because of all these relapses, so this is the fourth time I've had my 'first day of school.'

I pull off the cover and feel the icy breeze across my nude body. I quickly get up and lock my door in case someone were to walk in on me, which I despise. Nothing makes me more angry than someone walking into a room eithout knocking.

I slowly strut to the bathroom, starting with the simple task of brushing my teeth. Directly after I make a beeline for the shower. After showering, I dry my hair, and walk out of the bathroom to put on my neatly placed clothes.

This has been the only part of my routine I've been able to keep up and I appreciate it very much. I pull on my underwear, my socks, and my uniform for school. I take extra care to fold the collar correctly, as that is the way it should be worn.

I put on my favorite shoes that Gem hates so much, I don't know why though- they may be a little beaten up but they work just as well as any other pair of shoes. I put on my watch that Robin bought me last Christmas and check myself in the mirror one last time before heading down stairs.

"Good morning, mother," I say as I walk into the kitchen past my mum.

She turns around to me and smiles widely. "Good morning my beautiful boy. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, did you?" I ask her as I open the refrigerator to grab the milk.

"I did, I did," she says, still looking at me, smiling. "Are you excited for school today?"

Her saying that make my stomach clench, I was in no way excited for it. Going to a place full of inconsiderate arses. I reach into the cabinet and grab my cereal, the usual weetabix as I do every day. "To be frank with you, no. I'm not especially excited," I say blankly, turning my back to her so I can pour my cereal.

She comes up behind me and softly hugs me from behind, I feel my skin crawl. "Harold I'm sorry you're going through all of this." I remain silent. "You know we have to do this to protect Gemma," she says quietly, holding me tighter.

"Mum please don't talk about that," I say. The thought of this situation sickens me to my stomach, I wish men and women alike knew when to understand that no means no.

She says nothing and pulls away, I take it that she understands I'm not in the mood. I finish pouring my bowl of cereal before heading over to the table. I begin searching for the remote to watch the morning news, I righteously want today to go as smooth as it possibly can but this missing remote is throwing everything off.

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