Dîner au restaurant. x

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"Oh, you're kidding right?" Laurie always gets confused by the simplest things, but I guess it's okay.

These little phone sessions we have are always cute.

"No," I say blushing. "But don't get it twisted this was just meant to be a one night-"

"You were literally a sweet little virgin Mary and now you.." she says, cutting me off. "What did it feel like?"

"Laurie, you know exactly how it feels," I say as if she were mocking me. "Why are you asking?"

"I don't know to be honest, just curious because he's hot I guess."

"I mean I guess I should go ahead and let you know," I say interrupting her train of thought. "He gave me rules I have to follow." I slightly roll my eyes at the thought.

"Hey cool, same here," she says matter-a-factly.

"Oh," I say curiously. "Like what?"

"Ok, well I have to ask his permission to go places and talk to certain people. I've already spoken to him about you and I have permission to talk to you 24-7," she says as if doing a mental checklist. "I have to go to the gym 3 times a week with a trainer he is paying, if he finds out I've not been following his instructions I get punished."

I'm shocked at this news. "Does that mean he like punches you and stuff?"

She giggles. "Yes, Stella," I can hear the sarcasm in her voice. "No I'm only kidding," she says. "He does things that I'm not allowed to talk about. They're not horribly bad though, so don't worry."

"Laurie, what the fuck? What is this?" I ask genuinely concerned.

She pauses for a moment. "Just a bit of bdsm," she says, I can hear the smirk on her thin red lips.

"Oh?" I think for a moment. "What in the hell is that?"

"Well I've got to go I'll talk to you later. He said I can only be on the phone for a certain amount of time, we have a date tonight," she says excitedly. I roll my eyes, of course. "I'll have to catch up with you again later so you can tell me more about you and Harry. Love you!"

"Love you too," I say hanging up the phone.

I knew Laurie had a boyfriend but I didn't think she was into, what I assumed to be, weird shit. I just hope she enjoys her dinner date tonight, I know I'll be enjoying mine. I notice I have about 2 hours left so I decide to start getting ready.

I go to my closet and pull out my black dress that I have been saving for special occasions. I notice my pair of black red bottoms in my closet that I bought for prom that one year. I'm already really tall, in these I'll be taller than Harry. I shake off the insecurity and decide tonight is my night so I wear what I want to, I toss them in front of my bed near my dress.

I get into the shower and 10 minutes later I finally get out. I begin drying my self off and I notice the deep purple hickeys on my neck and thighs. I smile remembering how they got there and continue to dry off.

I blow dry my hair, straighten it, and then pull it back to do my make up. We're just going to keep it natural so I just put on some powder and do my eyeliner then mascara. I top it off with the Kylie Jenner lip kit that dad- I mean Harry bought me.

What's up with the daddy thing any how? Why does he keep telling me to call him daddy? He's not that much older than me and he definitely doesn't treat me like his daughter.

I finish getting ready just in time. I grab my jacket and my purse and head downstairs.

I rush to the front door of my flat and Just as I open the the door, Harry is about to knock. I startle him, as I am the same height as him in my current shoes but he immediately recovers and begins eyeing my body.

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