Too Close x

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This chapter has smut

A/N: I had to unpublish this to fix some things. It's basically the same as it was before but I just made some revisions to make it better lol. Re-read this chapter if you want to, you might miss some important details i forgot to include the first go around. Thanks- X


I am awoken by the sound of my own snoring, and realise I am engulfed in an ocean of pillows. It's pitch black in the room I've just woken up in. I assume that it is my own room until I get a whiff of a very familiar scent.

The bed sheets smell like him, the pillows smell like him.

Then I get a sharp pain on my backside and realize the recent events weren't a dream. Harry actually gave me a spanking and told me to call him daddy. 'where's my car?' I think to myself. Most importantly, where are my clothes. I'm literally just wearing a big t-shirt and nothing else. My underwear is gone.

I begin to feel the familiar rise of panic course through my body.

"Nice to see you're awake baby." First off, the voice startled me because of it's close vicinity. Second, who the fuck is calling me their baby? Third, the voice is very familiar.

'All signs point to Harry,' I think to myself.

I look over to the other side of the bed to see a shirtless Harry sitting against the head board, probably scrolling through Twitter or some other website that famous people rule over.

"W-where am I? What happened?"

"You fell asleep while we were on our way to lunch. Surely you remember the other events that occurred, I feel like bringing them up will cause you to anger towards me," he says, sitting up slightly. "Baby girl," he says, I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. "I know this all feels weird right now, but I will answer any questions you have, that is if your willing to stay with me," he says, putting his phone screen to sleep

Stay. "What time is it?"

He clicks the screen back on to look at it, "It's 10pm."

I slept for 9 hours, what the fuck. I don't think he heard me the first time so I ask again, "Where am I? Why am I here?"

"You're in my bed room at the moment," he said matter a factly. "I didn't want to part from your sweet, tearstained, face, but I had to," he said. "I decided to buy you something to eat and leave it in your fridge with a note. Sadly you didn't have your house key so I had to take you home with me. I think you may have left the key in your house," he says. "Perhaps we can get another key made tomorrow."

We sit in silence for a moment as I am trying to process the recent chain of events. I break the silence by asking, "Did you have anything to do with the black car in front of my house the night before?"

"Oh," he says as if he were taken aback," I'm sorry if it scared you. It was simply my bodyguard checking on you, making sure you got home safely after the accident."

"Did he follow me to work too?"

He sat silent for a moment, thinking. "I don't believe so. But either way, he's completely harmless."

I look at him through squinted eyes. A soft smile arises on his face.

"Thank you, Harry."

"If you're hungry I can take you downstairs to eat. Or perhaps a late night run to wherever is open this time of night," he says smiling, the light from his phone screen illuminating his face.

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