Odd x

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A/N: lol a lot of cursing here because I was low-key pissed off while writing this oops AND WOAH I UPDATED EARLY ARENT YOU PROUD OF ME?? Thanks.(p!atd ftw)and also out of popular demand, It's now going to be Luke and Ashton lmao. I'm a deadass Ashton girl and there isn't enough Ashton fanfic so bOOm here ya go

Stella's P.O.V

I wake up the next morning to the sound of the doorbell. I look to the other side of the bed. Harry is no longer in bed, as fucking usual. I may as well give up on trying to wake up next to him since he's always gone before I can wake up.

I close my eyes and facepalm myself because I half expected to wake up next to him. "Why did I even get my hopes up? Jesus I'm an idiot," I say to myself as I begin rising from my unmade side of the bed. I get a sharp stinging feeling in my belly and moan in pain.

They then start banging on the door like a maniac. "I'M COMING FUCK," I yell and the banging ceases immediately. My hands go up to my mouth when I realize what I've just said. I'm stark ass naked so I rush to the bathroom at a somewhat slow pace because I'm hunched over in pain.

My stomach and back hurt so much. I throw on Harry's robe and hobble downstairs, completely ignoring what I look like.

I furiously unlock the front door and swing it open. It's two police officers and they're looking at me like I'm insane. "Hello gentleman. I don't believe it's very polite to bang on someone's door that way at such an hour of the morning," I say, sounding fake polite.

The tall one with the lip ring raises a finger and speaks, sounding like such a genuine cunt. "Uhm, it's two in the afternoon, miss."

My eyes dart is his direction and he immediately raises his hands, realising I'm offended. "Oh to hell with the time! Just tell me why you're here!"

"Ok ok, sorry I'm just stating that it's technically not the morning," he says.

I give him a blank stare but I feel my ears heat up. "Just tell me what you want," I say as I pinch the bridge of my nose.

When I open my eyes, I catch the other one behind him with the honey colored eyes glancing at my neck, taking in the bruise with seductive eyes. I feel my confidence fall ever so slightly as I adjust the robe around my neck. His eyes meet mine and he mouths "meow" as he does the cat thing with his hand.

Oh for fucks sake.

Lip ring steps forward slightly. "Yes ma'am would this happen to be the Styles residence?" Australian accent shining through more so than ever, I thought I was just hearing things but, they're in fact Australians.

I look at them for a second, wondering what they're doing here- in America. The other one behind him flickers his hazel eyes across my body with a smirk. "Uhm yes," I say, as I close up my robe a bit more and brush my hair off of my face. "Why?"

The hazel eyes steps forward, his minty breath hitting my face. He startles me and I take a step back into the house. "He's under investigation. It's nothing personal, really," he says. My mouth nearly drops open, both Australians. "Ma'am?"

I snap out of my trans and look at him. "I'm sorry but, are you Australian?" I mean it's pretty fucking obvious but-

He grins down at me. "Yes. But I'm guessing you're from.." he pauses, "New Zealand?"

Wow he knows his stuff. "Yeah! How'd you know?" I ask. I'm so glad I'm out of that weird morning mood.

"Your accent is a little different I guess, I can hear it," he says with a soft smile. I then glimpse at his badge. Irwin.

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