Chapter Two

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We walked down the cobblestone road and into the Leaky Cauldron. All the while the lady with the chihuahua kept following us.

"Alright, we'll be Flooing home from here," Mrs. Weasley said. "Maya, do you have somewhere to stay until you leave for Hogwarts? You can always come to our house," she gave me a warm smile.

"Uh...," I hadn't really thought about where I would go when I got here. But I didn't want to endanger the Weasleys, especially with the dog lady following me. "Um..I have somewhere to stay, but thanks for the offer! Nice to meet you all," I smiled and waved, and they stepped into the fireplace and disappeared in green flames.

Once they were gone, I hurried out of the Leaky Cauldron, and ran into an alley, trying to lose the crazy dog lady.

But, of course, she still followed me. In my haste to get away, I had run straight into a dead end.

Good going. Honestly. How smart of you. Annabeth would be proud. I thought.

I turned a faced the crazy dog lady. Then, what I thought was a chihuahua, grew bigger and bigger, until it was in its true form. A Chimera.

"Hello, Daughter of Poseidon. Meet my son," the lady smiled a wicked smile, showing off her forked tongue. Echidna.

I quickly touched the sword charm on my necklace and it enlarged itself and fell into my hand.

The Chimera charged, and I narrowly dodged the fire that the Chimera had breathed out. I swung at its snake tail, slicing the tail's head off in one clean swipe. Momentarily distracted, the Chimera stopped with its mouth half open, and I seized the chance.

I stuck my sword through the roof of its mouth, and quickly pulled it back out, not wanting to get burned. The Chimera howled in pain, but still managed to spit fire at me. I dodged the flames as best I could, but while one fireball just grazed my arm, another one hit my full on in the stomach. I flew backwards into the brick wall, hitting my head hard on the cold brick. I could feel myself getting dizzy, and black spots danced into my vision. Blood trickled down my neck.

I had to finish him off. With a burst of adrenaline, I stuck my sword through the roof of the Chimera's mouth and with one last howl, it disintegrated into yellow monster dust.

"NO!" Echidna screeched. "MY SON!" she lunged forward with her scaly green arms. But having little energy left to move, let alone fight, I just called for water.

I raised my hand out in front of me, and willed water from the nearest river, pond, lake, ocean, anything, to come to me.

Within moments, a wave of water flew around the corner, practically swallowed Echidna, and carried her off to the depths of wherever the water came from.

Breathing heavily, I changed my sword back to charm size and it flew back to my necklace. I crawled over to a little puddle of water and touched my fingertips on top of it. I felt the water moving over the burn, the place where I hit my head, the cuts and scratches all over my body. Once it was all healed, I broke off a square of ambrosia and the taste of warm chocolate cake filled my mouth.

After I was reenergized, I realized I had nowhere to go and about $20 in mortal money.

I decided to check out the boarding area in The Leaky Cauldron. Thankfully, the prices were low, so I got a room on the third floor.

I set my bag down on the ground, and without even changing into pajamas, I laid down on the bed, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Hey guys! This chapter is a bit shorter than the other ones but I hope you all like it! Anyways I didn't know how to defeat Echidna so I just thought of a quick way to get rid of her, even though it's probably not how you do it. 😂 comment and vote! Bye guys!


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