Chapter Twenty Eight

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The train ride to Hogwarts was mildly uneventful, except for the fact that Harry James Potter and Ronald Billius Weasley were no where to be found. While we were all slightly worried, knowing the dynamic duo, we figured they probably got themselves into some sort of trouble.

Arriving at Hogsmeade station, we were greeted by Hagrid as usual, who offered a friendly smile and wave. I grinned and waved back. It was nice to see the man again.

Fred, George, Hermione, and I boarded the carriage, pulled by the ever-present skeletal horses that only few could see.

The Great Hall was as warm and inviting as I'd remembered, the enchanted ceiling glittering with the array of stars.

Once everyone settled down, Dumbledore did his usual beginning of the year speech, and introduced Gilderoy Lockhart as our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

"Ugh come on. Can't we get a good teacher already?" I sighed, rolling my eyes. "I mean look at him! He's completely ridiculous. They can't be serious."

He grinned from his spot at the teacher table with teeth brighter than my future as most of the ladies drooled over him.

Finally, the speech ended and the food was brought out, but still no sign of Harry and Ron.

"Now I'm really getting worried. Where did they go after we got into nine and three quarters?" The two Weasleys just shrugged. I thought for a moment. "Did anyone actually see them get onto the platform?"

"I honestly don't think so. The last time I saw them was when we were rushing to the platform," Fred replied.

"Yeah," George added. "I don't remember seeing them on the platform. I think they were the last ones to go through."

I gave an exasperated sigh, blowing a few curls out of my face. They'd turn up. They had to. I've already had too many people I cared about never come back.

We gave the Fat Lady our password, and the groups of students entered the Gryffindor common room, including some new first years. I heard my name being called, and I turned, assuming it was just one of the twins.

But no.

It was Harry.

"Oh my gods, Harry! Thank Godric you're okay! What happened?" I asked frantically, pushing the fact that I had "swore" in both demigod and wizard slang in the same sentence to the back of my head.

"I'm all right. The platform was closed off, and we might have slightly damaged Mr. Weasley's car," Harry gave a sheepish smile, holding his forefinger and thumb about an inch apart.

I rolled my eyes, trying to sound strict but failing. I half smirked, "I don't even want to know." I gave him a hug, then retired upstairs to my dorm, where I fell into a not so dreamless sleep.

The creature slithers across the cement flooring, and into a dark hole in the wall. It's dank and gloomy in the room, and I only catch a glimpse of the creature's slimy, scaly tail.

I see piles upon piles of bones, and I shiver at the thought of whose they were. There's a long piece of what looked like shedded snake skin. Well, if that snake was fifty feet long.

On the cavern floor, I spot a battered old book that looked like it could've been a journal. I try to move towards it, but I'm not fast enough.

In an instant, I'm leaving the dark cavern, but not before I see the head of the snake, massive, with rows and rows of fangs, dripping a toxic substance.

I'm back at Camp Half Blood, but instead of seeing the quaint little place I've called home, I see destruction. The cabins are reduced to piles of ashes, and the once lush strawberry fields were gray and wilted.

And the most disturbing sight of all. The bodies. The dead bodies of campers. Scattered everywhere.

The ground is soaked with dark red blood, and I tremble at all the familiar faces lying on the grass, their blank, emotionless eyes staring up at the sky.

This can't be real. What about the prophecy? It was supposed to be Percy, not me. He's about a year older than me. And this summer he's turning sixteen. What happened here? Where is he??

And that's when I hear the voice. The dark, brooding voice. "He failed. Olympus was razed. The prophecy came true."

My breathing came fast, and I had trouble taking air in. My palms were clammy and shaky. Everyone in Camp Half Blood I ever loved or cared about, were gone.

I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen, and I looked down to find crimson blood quickly staining my shirt. Panicked, I lifted up my shirt to find a stab wound, and it was bleeding excessively.

My hands were covered in blood, and I fell down to the ground, the darkness closing in.

I awoke with a start, my sheets damp from sweat. I was breathing heavily, and it took me a moment to realize how violently I was shaking.

What was that? Being a demigod, dreams weren't just dreams. They meant something. Did this mean Percy would fail to save Olympus? Would we all die? Would I die, after everything I've survived? Or could it mean something entirely different?

And what about that cavern? I've never seen that before at Camp. Was it in Hogwarts? And what was that snake-like creature? What was inside the journal? It looked like nothing I've ever seen before.

Questions ran through my mind faster than I could comprehend them. I just knew one thing for sure. I would not be able to fall back asleep tonight. And chances are, I won't be able to get a good night's sleep anytime soon.

Something told me I'd be having these nightmares again.

The next morning, I was sluggish throughout my first day of classes. I could barely keep my eyes open sometimes, especially in Professor Binns' class.

Yet, I tried to stay alert. Anything could be lurking around the corner and I had to stay on my toes.

Fred didn't even have to ask what was wrong. He knew. Thankfully, he didn't press. I didn't know if I could recount what I had dreamt. He just offered support and a shoulder to lean on.

Within the first week, we already had stacks of homework. They were working us extra hard this year, preparing us for the OWLS that would take place next year. Plus, I'd had the same dream every single night, and still, none of it made sense to me.

I sighed deeply, running my hands through my hair. I tried reading my history textbook but my dyslexia was certainly not helping. With everything that has been on my plate lately, I haven't had a chance to get the books translated into Greek.

I rubbed my eyes, dropping my head down onto the book. I heard someone sit in the chair next to me. Whoever it was started to rub my back, and I snuck a peek to see who it was. I smirked at Fred who simply grinned back.

"You looked stressed."

"I am. Thank you," I chuckled. "Keep rubbing my back, please, it feels nice."

"Yes, my queen," Fred joked. I gave a small laugh.

With the warm fire crackling, the common room quiet, and Fred's gentle rubbing of my back helped lull me to sleep. And for the first time in a week, there were no dreams.


Long chapter that I'm feeling pretty good about. There's so much I have planned for Maya's fourth year and on, so I should be moving a lot faster. I'm really excited for the coming chapters. I'm working on the next two chapters right now so hopefully I can get those up soon. Also, thank you guys for almost 5K on this book!!

Hope you all are having a good day, and Happy Memorial Day to those who celebrate it!



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