3 - #SoRelatable

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Chad pulled the black hoodie he had bought from the thrift shop over his black hair. His converse shoes soaked as he walked through the muddy puddles. It was raining.

"Got any change?"

He stopped walking and looked to his left where a man dressed in torn jeans and a worn faded blue polo shirt with no shoes or socks sat on the wet ground. The man's eyes were closed - Chad couldn't tell whether he was blind or just protecting his eyes from the shining sun that seemed not to dull even in the rain.
Chad went through his pockets and brought out a bundle of $100 notes.

"Here's $1000. Buy some shoes and find a nice motel to stay in." He tucked the money into the man's dirty outstretched arms.

The man gripped him : "Thank you so much kind sir."

Chad pulled his hand away and continued walking. He looked back to find the man's eyes wide open , counting the money. He smiled and then resumed walking.


When Chad got to the park, he stood at the gate and watched the rain wash away all the dirt that had settled on the white gate. He looked into the park. It was mostly grass and there were people walking their dogs here and there. There was an ice cream truck parked near the far right corner of the park.

"Enjoying the view?"

Chad turned around sharply only to get a painful crack in his neck. Behind him, a girl with wavy brown hair and red eyes stared at him. Her face was completely symmetrical and he would mistaken her for a plastic manequin.

"I asked ; are you enjoying the view?" The girl spoke again while raising her perfectly shaped eyebrows.

The rain stopped.

"It's allright." He pulled his hood lower over his head so she wouldn't see his face and recognise him then immediately jump to assumptions.

"It's think it's wonderful. It's almost like a painting. If you could freeze this moment in time it would shock you at how much beauty you could find."

"You've got a very vivid imagination..." He half smiled.

"Chris. Chris Otoño." She held out a perfectly manicured hand. "I'm new in town, moved in last week actually and I love Black Veil Brides."

He shook her hand : "Mac. Mac Murray. Been here all my life and I hate my life."

She burst out laughing : "OMG that is #SoRelatable."

"You think? It's funny how us teenagers are such wastes of space though."

"Yes but you have to be one to become wise. It's only through experience that one can learn."

"It's only a child that goes to a socket which shocks itself."

"You have a nice perspective of things Mac Murray."

"More like a messed up one."

She stared at him for a while.

"It was really nice talking to you but I'm actually here with my niece and I have to get back to her. Thanks for making me laugh Mac Murray."

"Same to you Chris Otoño."

She laughed again and ran towards a little girl next to the ice cream truck. He smiled after her and took in her ripped black jeans and her blue converse. She was wearing a blue crop top.
How could someone just enter his life like that and make him feel completely different. What the hell was happening to him? It was only a matter of time before she knew who he really was and then maybe she wouldn't smile so much at him anymore.
It didn't matter anyways.
He was never meeting her again.
That's for sure.


Chad walked up to the huge blue gate that was connected to two guard posts on the left and right.
He pushed the microphone on the gate and spoke into it.

"It's me."

The gates slid smoothly to the side revising a long driveway that led to a giant peach mansion that sat on top of green grass. In front of the mansion there was a roundabout which had a fountain on it that gushed water so clean you wouldn't know it was there.
He walked up to the brass doors and stood in front of the scanner which recognised his face and opened the doors silently.

"Welcome home Chad." The computer chirped.

He felt like laughing. Home indeed. More like a prison.

He walked slowly into the house and was met with two long white grand staircases that stayed on the left and right of a brown coffee table which sat on top of a white rug. He took the stairs to his left and ascended them slowly. When he reached the top, he walked down a wide corridor until he got to the last door on his left. He opened it to reveal a TV room. Placed on top of three white rugs where three blue chairs - two facing opposite each other and one facing a wide screen TV that covered the whole wall. He opened French windows that stood to his right and went through them, coming out in a nice balcony with blue railings.

"Back so soon? Did school close early?" His mother was already here, holding a glass of something that looked like champagne.

He looked at his mother. Her hazel eyes were red and she looked like she had been crying. Her ginger hair was packed in a messy bun and she was dressed in a loose dress. She was barefoot.


"Oh well. That's nice. Did you know that your father's been seeing another woman?" She chuckles and spins around. "Of course you didn't. If you did you would have told me right?" She walked up to Chad inches away from his face : "Right?"

"Yes." His voice was scratchy.

"Good." She kissed him full on the lips. "You're my boy. Mine. I love you. You know that?"

"I love you too. Mother."

She walked past him, dropping her drink in his hands.
He sighed. Why was his life so messed up? He walked down the stairs and dropped the drink on top of the table then went into his car and drive out.

"Where are you going to this afternoon sir?" The guard at the gate smiled at him. "For security purposes."

"A drive."

"Safe trip."

He drove out of the gate and stepped of the accelerator, passing all the traffic lights and speed limits, then slowed down when he got to the gates of Mackenzie Enterprises.
Once the valet took his car, he stormed into the conference room in the huge stone building. The conference room was full of people and there seemed to be some sort of party going on.

"I'd especially like to thank..." His father was speaking to the crowd.

They clapped even though he hadn't started saying anything of use to them. Chad was angry. Suburbs Boy was angry. He pushed through the crowd and walked up to his father , punching him without giving him time to process what was happening. The man fell to the ground and Chad bent over him.

"Don't ever hurt her again." Suburbs Boy seethed.

He stormed out of the now completely silent room and got his car and drove out.
He hated his life.

But of course that was #SoRelatable.

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