2 - #WeirdestRoommateEver

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Once Chad reached his dorm room, it started to vibrate with the sound of heavy metal shaking the door.

Heavy metal music, I mean.

"Good." He smiled. "I love grave people."

He pushed in his key  through the knob then unlocked the door, walking into a living room. It was empty, a white sofa was facing a flatscreen television with two sofa chairs facing each other were on it's right and left. There was a coffee table in the middle of this arrangement which rested on a red rug.

A mini kitchen stood at the back of the room. The counters were red and the fridge and stove was white. Chad looked at the door on his left and walked towards it, the heavy metal getting louder as he got closer to the door. He held his hand on the handle and took a deep breath before pushing the door open with a huge smile on his face.

"Hi, I'm Ma-AHHHH!" Chad threw his duvet on the ground and let go of his trolley which dropped to the ground with a heavy CLANG! 

He covered his face with his hands and turned around.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know-" He felt his face going red.

"Don't you know how to knock?" The voice of an egoistical 19 year old came from one of the beds in his room. The bed he was never touching again.

The 19 year old, who he assumed was his roommate, let's say, was having a little party on the bed. He pulled out of the girl he was currently buried in and walked towards Chad.

"I might just have to apply for a new room if my roommate's so rude." He hissed.

"I'm so sorry, you don't have to do that."

The 19 year old started to laugh.

"I'm kidding! Turn around roomie."

Chad spun around and immediately looked up after realising he was glancing down.

"I'm Alex." The 19 year old stretched out his hand. 

He was taller than Chad, but he was also buff with a visible eight pack. He was stunning and his slick black hair fell in front of his face. His lip ring sparkled in the light and his brown eyes sucked him in, entrancing him in his face, before Chad became disgusted again.

"I'm Chad." Chad shook his hand, then realised his mistake. "I mean, Mac. Mac Miller."

"You seem not to know your name... Mac." Alex raised his eyebrow.

"My friends back in Houston call me Chad, it's a nickname, because I look a lot like Chad Mackenzie. Don't you see it?"

"Hmm." Alex smirked. "I think your friends back in Houston need glasses."

"Yeah, I thought so too." Chad sighed, happy to have made a quick recovery.

"Welcome to Princeton Mac!" He hugged Chad, pulling him close to him.

"Oh," Chad pulled away. "I'm sorry but, you're not exactly wearing anything."

Alex looked down at himself and smiled. "Get used to it, Macbook." He walked past Chad and slapped his ass, grabbing it for a second.

Chad moved back and Alex passed.

"Brianna! Let's finish up on the sofa!" The girl on the bed jumped up and ran out of the room, kissing Chad on the lips as she passed.

"Fuck!" Chad wiped off his lip with the back of his hand and then spat, picking up his duvet and trolley. 

He went to the vacant side of the room and sat on the bed. He looked across to Alex's side of the room, and inwardly threw up. He thought of all the nights he was going to spend in this room, looking across the bed to find something he didn't want to see or coming back from class to hear sounds he didn't want to hear. He shivered and made a mental note to buy ear plugs and night masks.

He picked up one of his bags and began to arrange his stuff. Soon, he was done, and his side of the room began to look almost like home. Even his grunge posters were up.

Alex popped his head into the room. "Macbook, it's time for orientation. Go to the main hall."

Chad stuffed his suitcase under his bed and turned of his table lamp. "Are you coming?"

Alex looked up, then back at Chad. "I'm kind of in the middle of something now."

"Of course." Chad nodded his head then walked towards the door.

 Alex's head went back into the living room and Chad closed his eyes as he felt his way to the main door. He shrieked when he felt something soft against his hands but sighed when he opened his eyes to see the water submerged clock on the wall. He ran to the door and burst out his room, aware that he was over reacting. He rested on the door, breathing heavily.

"Weird roommate?" He looked up to find a boy around his age staring at him.

The boy had long brown hair that hung around his shoulders. He had a stick in his mouth that Chad thought was a cigarette before realising it was a lollipop. 

"You wouldn't believe if I told you."

"Try me, I'm sure nothing can beat my roommate."

"Is your roommate weird too?"

"He placed a star wars toy on the television counter and talks to it. He asked it if it thought I should be killed."

"Wow, that's something."

"Yeah, luckily, I'm still alive so I guess the toy had some heart in it."

"My roommate is in there right now, giving a girl I've never seen before in my life who doesn't seem like she's ever been to school rather than Princeton, a slice of heaven - and hugged me while he was in his birthday suit. #WeirdestRoommateEver."

"Did you throw up?" The boy grinned.


They laughed.

"I'm Chris Hensgrosso." He held out his hand.

"Mac." Chad shook his hand.


"Miller. Mac Miller." 

"You look familiar. Like I've seen you before on a billboard or something."

"I've just got one of those faces."


"Anyways," Chad yanked his arm back, uncannily aware of Chris staring at him. "To the main hall?"

"It's probably full by now, let's just go anyways."


Chad pushed the door open and he walked into a crowd of students. There were people at every corner of the room, each of them talking to the other about something. People making new friends, and meeting old ones.

"Mac!" For a second Chad forgot his name, then immediately spun to face the source of the voice. The girl from the elevator - he had forgotten her name - was heading towards him.

"Hey!" He smiled at her.

"Hi." Chris chirped in from behind him. "I'm Chris."

"Hey! I'm -"

The squeal of the microphone cut off what she was saying and he cursed the universe. A short, bearded man walked onto the stage.

"Hello freshmen, welcome to Princeton University!"

The room exploded in applause.

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